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Shadow Tactics
After years of waiting, the stealth-oriented Real Time Tactics genre is finally coming back!
Command a team of ninjas in a game where stealth is everything and being spotted by the enemy means almost certain death.
Ez jövőfénytől csillogó jövőfém/jövőműanyag, oké?
A pucolásról nem beszélve. Amidala és Luke a sima Artuval is elvolt egy darabig.
Ez annyira pofásan fest, hogy már-már félek, csak egy target render vertical slice az egész, amihez a végeredménynek semmi köze nem lesz. :D
Csak a Unity ne bugzzon.
Szvsz gúzsba köti őket azon hallgatólagos elvárásnak megfelelni vágyás kényszere, hogy az eddigi részekhez hasonlóan a folytatás nevével is összeforrjon valami forradalmi technológiai és/vagy játékmechanikai újítás, ezzel párhuzamosan pedig elvonja a figyelmüket a nem-játékos beruházásaik istápolása. Persze pénzügyileg sem fontos már nekik, hogy egy játékkal nagyot dobbantsanak; a presztízsprojekteket nem sürgeti semmilyen anyagi megfontolás.
Obsidian fórumáról, valakitől, aki otthonosabban mozog a dolgaikban (de szintén csak mezei fan):
It could just end up being the game that's already been sort of announced, the "Stormlands"game (Project North Carolina) that Microsoft walked away from which Obsidian confirmed last November had been picked up by a different publisher in a "re-purposed" form.
We also know Obsidian has at least two other projects in the works - Project Vermont, an RPG that they've been working on for a while, and Project Louisiana which they began more recently.
EDIT: So I did some research online and found that Obsidian is likely working on three as-yet-unannounced projects which are in chronological order projects Vermont, Louisiana, and Indiana. Vermont is what should be getting announced on Tuesday at GDC.
Vermont - Possibly a large, open-world, third-person RPG using material developed for the cancelled Stormlands project but now using an existing licensed property. It is confirmed as NOT being Alpha Protocol, so most likely other possibilities are either Star Wars or Pathfinder.
Louisiana - A new Kickstarter RPG project that was supposed to have been announced last year but was postponed until PoE was completed. This is supposed to be a brand-new Obsidian IP, so it could be the historical RPG Sawyer's been wanting to do or some other original idea.
Indiana - Almost certainly this is PoE 2.
Bányasóder persze.
The Descendant is a Telltale-like (is that a genre yet?) post-apocalyptic narrative game. This time around it’s climate change that has brought about chaos and eventually a nuclear holocaust. Only a chosen few survived, hibernated in vaults for centuries.
When the time came to wake up and rebuild, one of these vaults, Ark-01, remained shut, and throughout the 5 episodes players are going to find out about the conspiracy at the heart of it all
Az előbbitől sokszor, az utóbbitól néhányszor, mindig minden gond nélkül.
Ahhoz ez még mindenképp túlságosan korai volna. Azt majd úgy egy-két év múlva jelentik be, és három múlva jön. A Paradoxnak előtte még meg is kell alkotnia azt az új "One World of Darkness"-t.
Obsidian + Paradox bejelent valamit 15-én.
Though it's possible the female exhibitionist was intoxicated, it appears in the footage as though the sexual encounter is consensual.
Appears as though... Várjátok ki a végét, ebből is répügyet faragnak ellenünk.
https://twitter.com/DarkSoulsGame/status/707998895981203457rwurl=https:/... Bloodborne engine-nek köszönhetően és a hosszas hallgatás után ez sajnos nem volt evidens eddig. De hála az égnek Napnak.
Gondolkodtam, berakjam-e. Csak aztán a Gandalfos résznél leestem a székről és kiment minden.
Cartwright írta: A földre hullt sárkányban is bő lére ereszti a dolgokat, én azt hittem, hogy egy katonai sci-fi minden rizsa nélkül
Hja, innen is csók a magyar kiadás borítóiért felelős bumburnyáknak.
Zaxx írta: Igazából ezzel kapcsolatos a játékkal való egyetlen igazi gondom is: sokszor gimmicknek érzem a nehézséget, mert nagyon sokszor úgy érték el a fejlesztők a Dark Souls-i magasságokat
Nem starki robotbizbasz az az íriszmicsoda? Deadpool szeme/maszkja nem gépiesített (csak CGI :P).
Szerintem az ilyet azért még mindig spoilerezni kellene.
Beismered, hogy kvázi elcsaltad-olcsósítottad az utolsó szakaszt, majd rögtön utána a kihívás hiányára panaszkodsz?
Summary of points from the recent Q&A from yesterday (thanks to the people at the
The was also the very 'unofficial' confirmation of the Phoenix Hawk being in the game that should make a lot of people happy. ( Again, I stress this is 'unofficial' )
You missed their comments on turn order. Basically, they want to have more of a computer game approach to turn order where a mech moves and fires all at once. Torso twisting only happens when you fire, returning to the neutral position afterwards. So the direction of incoming fire is always based on feet position, like in the tabletop rules. They didn't elaborate beyond that as they would prefer to show rather than tell.
Weapons/Mechs/Stats/Heat/Damage will be like TT (balancing aside)FoW is planned
LoS is planned
Playable prototype currently in studio
Weapon fire is per weapon
Pilot Quirks
Critical Hits are planned (AI may behave differently)
Steiner Hate from Mitch
Jordan and Mitch are old
Work is first on SP Campaign then on PvP
1 lance (4 mechs) on Battlefield; 3 lances in company (on standby)
Hardpoints based of types (Energy/Missle/Ballistic [sounds like MWO])
Mechs have an identifiable nature
Mech Quirks not currently in game (they were very ambiguous about it [dangerous territory...?])
*Marketing jokes*
Definitely have vehicles (tanks, support, aircraft, etc.) though will not take the spot of a mech
Infantry is still TBD, depending on viability in combat.
Comic book distraction from CmdrDunsail :P (Hairbrained schemes Not making comicbooks)
The unseen mechs that have been remade by CGL will be in game
No talk on future titles/expansions, want to finish the first one before moving on
Jordan has scary document on future plans (apparently it is face-paling)
In-game involvement in events from the 3025 era (not many of them, they chose this era for more freedom)
They are not shunning clanners, simply wanted an era with more freedom
It is really smart to NOT spit in a clanners face
The average human being is taller than Mitch
Reputation with MRBC and with certain houses in game
Battlefield experience is how mechwarriors get better
We’re excited to reveal more info today on Anarchy’s Children, the first DLC pack coming to XCOM 2 on March 17.Anarchy’s Children features over 100 new exotic customization options for your soldiers
Additionally, we’re preparing a patch that will include performance optimizations and gameplay bug fixes. We will have more info to share on this very soon.
Giger + Beksinski = személyes mennyországom.
A játékmenet viszont nagyobb kérdőjel, mint amekkora felkiáltójel az első sorom végére képzelendő.
Licsörli a legunalmasabb dolog, amit életemben láttam, több szinten is. Keltsetek fel, ha az ipar befejezte a Blizzard szarjának majmolását, minden szinten.
Én majd esetleg visszanézek a játékba, miután kijött az utolsó DLC is és "be lett fejezve" az egész.