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Competitive Mode ma indul. Patch már kint van ehhez.
Hey all,
If you've been following our developer videos or forum posts, you know that the Overwatch team has been working hard to finish our upcoming patch which includes Competitive Play (as well as a few other quality-of-life changes). From the beginning, our intent has been to release this patch by the end of June—and since July is nearly here, we wanted to give you a quick status update.
Patching on PC and Console
First, we wanted to be upfront and let players know that we won’t be able to release our Competitive Play patch on all platforms at the same time. The patch will be going live on PC today, while PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players can expect it sometime next week. We don’t have an exact date to share, but we can confirm that the patch is going through approvals right now on both platforms.
We know this isn’t an ideal way to deliver new content, so we’re going to continue to refine our patching processes over the next few months in an effort to sync up our release dates across platforms as closely possible. Although our Battle.net client will always allow us to be more agile on PC, we hope to reach a point where we can release major updates on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 simultaneously.
In the meantime, stay tuned to PlayOverwatch.com (or follow us on Twitter) for all the latest patch news and updates.
Shorter Summer Season
We also wanted to let players know that the first season of Competitive Play will be an abbreviated one, lasting only two months instead of the normal three. This is because our Competitive Play patch is launching in the middle of the Summer 2016 season, which technically began on June 1 (a minor side-effect of our real-world season system). As a result, our inaugural season will include approximately 1.5 months of play rather than the full 2.5 months, ending on August 18 across all platforms. The Fall 2016 season will then begin as scheduled following our standard two-week off-season break.
We’re super excited to release Competitive Play, and we made the decision to move ahead with a shorter season for two key reasons. One, we want players to be able to start working towards their Competitive Play rewards as soon as possible. And two, we believe this first season will teach us a lot of about what works well, what doesn't, and what players are really looking for from a competitive system in Overwatch. Competitive Play is definitely one of those features that will take us a few iterations to get right, and by getting the system out there sooner, we can start making improvements based on your feedback sooner too.
To learn more about changes we already have planned for the Fall 2016 season, click here.
Thanks so much for your patience, feedback, and support! We can’t wait to get our first major Overwatch patch out in the wild, and we’re really grateful to be able to share it with all of you.
Tyrion már leszámolt egy családtaggal akivel nagyon akart és bár rohadtúl gyülöli Cerceit is de én inkább azt mondanám ha tippelnem kéne Jaime lesz az. Már csak azért is mert több szinten ugye kellően drámaibb a hatás. Vérfertőző szeretők akik mindent megtettek volna egymásért de a végén mégis egymás ellen fordulnak és Jaime a kingslayer a végén queenslayer is lesz plusz tesóslayer is egyben. Öcsivment unlocked.
Illetve én még arra számítok, hogy Cersei amellett hogy egyedül marad és átmegy fullkreténbe szerintem Jaime ellen fog fordulni egy ponton, hogy teljes legyen a maga körül mindent felégető stílusa. Korábbi évadok/könyvekben már lehetett látni, hogy ahogy Jaime kezdett normalizálódni dolgokban meg hozzállásban Cersei kezdett látványosan neheztelni rá meg gyengének és haszontalannak tartani őt. Szerintem ez a helyzetet nézve odáig fog fajulni, hogy kellően Shakespeare-i dráma szinten testvér testvér ellen fordul majd. Talán még maga Jaime fogja kinyirni Cersei. Who knows.
brianaspirin írta: az meg most esett le, hogy cersei ölte meg robert-et, valahogy nekem csak az maradt meg, hogy részeg volt és ő baszta el a dolgot. vagy lehet hogy tudtam, de már régen volt az első évad.
Igen részeg volt és egy vadkan döfte le DE ehhez az kellett, hogy Cercei utasítására Lancel szépen itassa erősen Robertet borral, hogy az jó eséllyel balesetet szenvedjen. Így is lett.
Jó kis évadzáró volt. Első x perc a csak zenei aláfestéssel és felvezetéssel a várt eseményig frankó volt.
Sok meglepetést viszont nem tartogatott a rész. Sok teória igazolást nyert (ami persze nem baj) illetve egy-két apró könyvben másképp zajló momentum beépült ide is.
Varys meg tényleg abbahagyhatná már a teleportálást mert biztos káros az egészségére.
Kaplan válaszol a különböző felhasználói feedbackekre amit a PTR alapján kaptak
Hey everyone,
The feedback we’ve been seeing from those of you helping us test our upcoming patch on the PTR has been amazing. Thank you so much for your efforts!
Now that we’ve had some time to read through and really process your posts, I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know some changes we plan to make based on that feedback.
Feedback We’re Hearing
+ You like seeing your Skill Rating.
+ You like the strong leaver penalty.
+ You like the Assault map changes.
+ You like that premade groups are called out in the UI.
- You don’t like the coin flip.
- You don’t like Sudden Death.Regarding those last two points, even though we feel like tuning the attacker vs. defender advantage in Sudden Death is achievable—and we’re really close right now—the community perception is that one side always has a clear advantage on Assault, Escort, and Hybrid maps, and (as a result) you feel the coin flip mechanic is unfair. The balance is the easy part for us, but the perception issues are much more challenging. Challenging and important.
In this situation, we feel like we can compromise and make changes that can improve most players’ experience in Competitive Play. So, in the short term, we’ve got some tweaks coming that will help balance out attack/defend win rates in Sudden Death. In the long term, we’re actually looking to remove the coin flip and Sudden Death from the game altogether.
Current State of Sudden Death
If you’ve been following our Developer Updates on Competitive Play, one of the things we talked about was our desire to greatly reduce the chances of a match resulting in a tie or Sudden Death. Back in beta, under the old system, we were seeing Sudden Death happen about 35% of the time. It felt too frequent and we didn’t like it. So, we changed our scoring systems and our game formats for Assault, Hybrid, and Escort as a result.
So far, our results for Assault are much more in line with what we expected. On the PTR right now, the Assault maps (Temple of Anubis, Hanamura, and Volskaya Industries) are only going to Sudden Death about 9% of the time. This is really good news. The “time bank” system we created for Assault Maps results in drastically fewer ties. And this is what we were hoping to achieve.The Escort maps (Dorado, Watchpoint: Gibraltar and Route 66) are better than the 35% we saw in beta, but still aren’t where we want them to be. We’re seeing Sudden Death rates of anywhere on the PTR from about 16-18%.
And when it comes to the Hybrid Maps (Numbani, King's Row, and Hollywood), the rates for Sudden Death on the PTR are hovering around 20-29%.
We feel like both the Escort and Hybrid maps are still resulting in Sudden Death too often.
Changes We’re Looking at Making in the Short-Term
Based on this data and your feedback, here are a few changes we’re looking to make immediately to Competitive Play:Initial match time for Assault, Escort, and Hybrid maps will be reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes
Sudden Death Timer will be reduced from 2m00s to 1m45sThese adjustments should make Competitive Play games a little shorter, giving you the opportunity play more of them. They’re also fairly quick to implement, since they don’t require a lot of additional work to the core of the system. As a result, you’ll see these go live with Competitive Play and our Summer season (assuming we like what we see on the PTR).
Changes We’re Looking at Making in the Long-Term
In addition to the above, and because we’ve received a lot of positive feedback on the new Assault map format, we’re going to try to apply the same “time bank” system to Escort and Hybrid maps.What this means is that, if both teams push the payload all the way to the end of the map with time leftover, you’ll go into a second round on the same map. We’ll remember how much time was on the clock for each team, and then you’ll have that amount of time to push the payload as far as possible. At the end of this second round, we’ll also look at how far your team pushed the payload vs. how far the enemy team pushed their payload. Push it farther than the other team and you win.
The only ties that you’ll encounter in the “time bank” system are if a) neither team pushes the payload at all (an exceedingly rare edge case!), b) neither team manages to “capture” the payload (this is limited to Hybrid maps), or c) both teams manage to push their payloads all the way to end of the map in overtime. If we’re seeing ties happen less than 9% of the time in Assault right now, we should see even fewer Hybrids and Escorts resulting in a tie using this format.
So, getting back to that Sudden Death mechanic…
We’ve wrestled with this feature a lot. Our first version of Sudden Death in the beta felt very balanced to us. In that version, we resolved ties by going to a single point on a randomly selected Control map (Ilios, Lijiang Tower, and Nepal). Even though we thought this was a really fair way to resolve ties, we still received a ton of negative feedback on the format from beta participants. What we found was that people didn’t like playing on a different map and they didn’t like that it was a different game mode. So, we tried to come up with a Sudden Death mechanic that would play out on each map that was balanced and not too time intensive for players (i.e. the format you’re playing on the PTR right now).
I think the Sudden Death format we have now is very good, and is actually much more balanced (and I’m looking at real stats here) than players are exaggerating it to be. However, it’s clear that players, at least the vocal ones, are largely not pleased with any form of coin flip or any form of asymmetrical resolution to the maps. We’re very open to changing and tweaking this system, but we’re also realizing that Sudden Death mechanics, in whatever format we might use, all have problems and we may be in a situation where we won’t be able to please the majority of our competitive players.
With that in mind, we’re looking at a variety of different, longer-term solutions that involve removing the coin flip and Sudden Death completely. For example, right now we’re exploring ways to allow for matches that would otherwise result in Sudden Death to instead resolve in a draw where neither team wins or loses. In that situation, our goal would be to make sure the match still felt rewarding for both teams, and that players could walk away feeling like it was time well invested. It’s important to remember that the removal of Sudden Death/the addition of draws would accompany the format changes to Escort and Hybrid maps, which means that draws should be VERY rare overall.
We think both of these updates would make a big difference and address a lot of the feedback we’re hearing.
So, What’s Next?
This brings me to a difficult decision we have to make.The extent of the updates we mentioned above are non-trivial. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to remove the coin flip and change the format again in Escort and Hybrid maps, which means that they’re not something we do can overnight. In fact, they’re not something we can realistically do until our Fall season. While we think they’re good changes to make, we don’t feel that holding back Competitive Play until the Fall is the right thing for the game right now. Instead, our goal is to release Competitive Play in our next content patch and kick-off our Summer season with the current ruleset.
There’s a few reasons for this: We want players to be able to work towards Competitive Play rewards sooner rather than later. We’ve also gotten a ton of positive feedback from people who are playing and enjoying the system right now on the PTR. And, perhaps most importantly, we feel like starting the Summer season will allow us to learn a lot about what works in Competitive Play and what doesn’t—even more than we have from the PTR. I’ve mentioned previously that I believe Competitive Play is the type of system that will require a few seasons before we reach the place where we want to be. We need to run the system through its paces, in the live game environment, so that we can see how the community as a whole uses and reacts to it. By getting the system out there sooner, we can start making meaningful improvements sooner too.
Speaking of improvements, while major changes to Competitive Play likely won’t be coming for a few months, we’re looking to get the Escort/Hybrid map changes and draw functionality on the PTR in the near future. Right now, if all goes well, we think we’ll be able to have those changes ready for testing sometime in late July.
Hopefully this all makes sense! We’re always listening to your feedback and, as a result, we’ll continually iterate on Competitive Play. Each season will get better, and we’ll hope you’ll stick with us for that journey.
Felraktam a PTR verziót de persze benne vagyok azon szerencsések között akik valamiért nem tudnak csatlakozni a szerverhez mert Unknown Server Error üzenetet kapok. No mind1 is. Gondoltam belepislákolok a competitive módba illetve a játékmenet változtatásokba de akkor majd max ha kijön akár jövő hét múlva is hivatalosan.
Az elöbb említett PTR módból első benyomások a Competitive Play és egyéb változásokról
Összefoglalva: A változtatások zöme jó irányba megy (hallgatva szerintem is) de a Sudden Death sokkal előnytelenebb lett ha így marad.
Amúgy beindult a PTR (Pubic Test Region) is így lehet bemenni külön test szerverre ahol a tervezett patch tartalmakat lehet próbálgatni. A Test server amcsiban van úgyhogy ennek megfelelően kell a latencyvel számolni.
Competitive Play-t pl lehet itt már tesztelni.
Bővebben itt:
To participate in the public test, you must have an Overwatch game license for Windows PC attached your Battle.net account in good standing (i.e. it hasn't been suspended or banned).
Step 1: Restart the Battle.net desktop app.
Step 2: Navigate to the Overwatch tab on the left-hand menu.
Step 3: Select "PTR: Overwatch" from the REGION/ACCOUNT drop-down menu.
Step 4: Click "Install" to begin the installation process.
Step 5: Once the PTR client is installed and updated, click "Play" to begin!Note: In order to access the PTR, you must have installed Overwatch and logged into the game at least once. If the PTR is not available for you after following the steps above, trying logging into Overwatch, exiting the game client, and then launching the PTR again
Ahhh és tényleg. Pedig már azt hittem találtam valami új karakterre utaló új infót.
Tehát így fognak kinézni a Competetive Play keretein belül elnyerhető arany fegyverek.
Nincs nagy meglepetés. Ugyanazok a fegyverek csak aranyból. Már amikor előszór olvastam erről, hogy ez lesz egy úgymond felvágós jutalom a competitive playben gondolkoztam rajta, hogy nem erőltettek meg túlzottan a fantáziájukat de elnézve a képeket hát jah....arany fegyverek....hát jó.
Viszont itt van egy arany fegyver amit nem ismerek fel. Lehet, hogy csak kihagy az agyam de ez melyik karakteré?
mikkamakka írta: mar csak egy 7 reszes evad lesz, legalabb is ezt pletyizik.
Egy 7 meg egy 6 részes egész pontosan.
Pedig elég valószínű, hogy ez lesz. Ugye Tommen is meg fog halni a prófécia szerint ergó legkésöbb amint ez bekövetkezik neki aztán nincs gátlása tekintve amúgy is mennyire utálja a várost. Bran látomásában is ez volt és igazából kulcs karakter más amúgy sincs a városban. Margery van még ott és hát vélhetőleg érte sem lenne kár. Plusz évadzáró szóval simán beleférhetne. De lehet, hogy még korai ezt elsütni és késöbbre tartogatják.
Zaxx írta: Szvsz az új rész után 1-2 napig van értelme már amolyan illedelmességből is, utána viszont tényleg lehetne hagyni szerintem is.
Ez hülyeség. Egy új rész után ne tedd be a lábad a topikba ha félsz a spoilerektől hisz egyértelműen mindig az aktuális rész lesz a téma. Ennyi.
Obvious észrevétel is obvious. Nincs baj a supporttal. Leirtad, hogy mindegyik miért jó és miért nem. Pont ez a cél, hogy egyik karakter se legyen túl erős és mindegyiknek legyenek elönyei és hátrányai. Ez a supportoknál is így van. Nem kell ott nagyon semmit sem csavarni. Mindegyiknek megvannak a hasznosságai. Tényleg egyedül zenyatta lóg kicsit ki mert nagyon sérülékeny viszont az Orb of Discordja kurva kemény killer tud lenni megint csak egy koordinált csapat esetében.
Jó móka Japán reklám
Hülyék mindig vannak. Ez ilyen. A Mei befagyasztós faszsággal én is találkoztam párszor. Viszont az a duma, hogy random emberekkel nem lehet nyerni is hülyeség mivel a másik csapatban is ugyanolyan random emberek vannak. Nyilván a megoldás az lenne, hogy minél több jól összeszokott emberrel játszani de ha ezt nem lehet garantálni akkor marad az orosz rulett.
Orange is the New Black 4x01 - 4x02
Eddig ok semmi extra. A rém gyenge S3 után remélem új erőre kap a sorozat és valami érdekes eddig nem látott irányokat is vesz végre fel de egyelőre, ami lebegtetve van az kb a S2-es sztorira emlékeztet csak a feketék helyett most a latino bagázzsal.
Nokedli írta: Hátha a kövi rész tök jó lesz. Nagy csatáról szól majd végig
Nekem ez ennél a sorozatnál inkább turn off. Nekem pl kurvára nem hiányoznak az ilyen tök fölösleges óriás összecsapások. Nálam nem erről szól a sorozat és így egy teljes rész ha erről szól az inkább újabb baklövés az én szememben.
Zaxx írta: mert elég korrekt elméleteket olvasni róla
Igen és itt jön be az a képbe amikor az emberek több fantáziával és logikával olvasnak bele dolgokat valamibe amit maga a készítők (ide értve akár Martint is sok esetben...de majd a könyvekből meglátjuk ..... ha megéljük...) korántsem gondoltak/terveztek oda.
És igen. Arynak egy logikus világban bizony kurvára meg kellett volna halnia egy olyan támadás után ami ott ennyire felkészületlenül érte. Eleve az egy röhej hogy felkészületlenül érte hiszen az előtte levő részben nem véletlenül ásta elő Needle-t. Ahhh na mind1.
Ez a legújabb részből is tisztán kiderült bárki számára.
Kaplan nyilatkozta, hogy nagyon vadul változtató patcheket nem fognak szórni jobbra balra mert az szerintük nem tenne jót a játéknak. Szóval a meglévő karaktereket módosító patchelések valószinüleg kellően óvatosan lesznek adagolva amikor lesznek és ez jó így.
We haven't patched content or balance because we are trying to have a stable launch window, with as few variables as possible.
With that said, new content is coming at the end of June -- Competitive Play mode. We should also have a minor balance patch (hopefully) this week.
As those who were in the beta can attest to, we patched quite frequently and liberally during beta. Now that the game is live, we want to be careful to not overly disrupt the game balance too frequently.
In general, you can expect content patches, balance patches and minor bug fix patches to happen regularly now that we're clearing the launch window. But don't expect balance to change each week... we don't feel like that would be healthy for the game.
Itt az első patch is.
It’s been hinted at for a couple weeks, but now it’s finally here: Overwatch’s first big post-launch balance update. Blizzard has looked in the general direction of McCree and Widowmaker and uttered those fateful words: “It’s hiiiiiiiigh noon.”
For now the patch is only out on PC. These changes will be included in a larger console patch at a later date. Here are the biggies:
Alternate Fire
-Recovery time (i.e. the amount of time before McCree starts reloading) decreased from 0.75 seconds to 0.3 seconds
-Bullet damage decreased from 70 to 45
Developer Comments: McCree was performing too well against all targets, making him feel like a must-pick in many situations. By reducing the damage of his alternate fire, McCree is now significantly weaker against tanks like Roadhog and Reinhardt, but still maintains his lethality against smaller targets like Tracer and Genji.
Widow’s Kiss
-Alternate Fire (Scoped Shot)Base damage decreased from 15 to 12Note: Scoped shot damage multiplier remains unchanged
-Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x
-Players must now wait for the unscoping animation to completely finish before scoping
-Ultimate cost increased by 10%
Developer Comments: In the right hands, Widowmaker can often feel unstoppable—even when just landing body shots instead of critical heads shots. The changes to her alternate fire weaken body shot damage while leaving her headshot damage unchanged. Additionally, we felt her Ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, was coming up a little too frequently, especially considering its impact on the game.
Továbbá pár apróság:
22 hours ago
(Edited)A new patch is now live on Windows PC. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.
To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum.
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.Please note that many of these changes will be rolled into a larger patch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at a later date.
Alternate Fire
Recovery time (i.e. the amount of time before McCree starts reloading) decreased from 0.75 seconds to 0.3 seconds
Bullet damage decreased from 70 to 45Developer Comments: McCree was performing too well against all targets, making him feel like a must-pick in many situations. By reducing the damage of his alternate fire, McCree is now significantly weaker against tanks like Roadhog and Reinhardt, but still maintains his lethality against smaller targets like Tracer and Genji.
Widow’s Kiss
Alternate Fire (Scoped Shot)
Base damage decreased from 15 to 12
Note: Scoped shot damage multiplier remains unchanged
Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x
Players must now wait for the unscoping animation to completely finish before scopingInfra-Sight
Ultimate cost increased by 10%Developer Comments: In the right hands, Widowmaker can often feel unstoppable—even when just landing body shots instead of critical heads shots. The changes to her alternate fire weaken body shot damage while leaving her headshot damage unchanged. Additionally, we felt her Ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, was coming up a little too frequently, especially considering its impact on the game.
Improved stability of the High Bandwidth option in Custom GamesHeroes
Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain Ultimate charge whenever damage boosting an ally who was attacking a barrier or Ice Wall
Fixed a bug that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on certain mapsMaps
Fixed an issue with collision on certain areas of Dorado not blocking line of sight
Veralafutas írta:
Remélem azért, hogy Martin ezt is jobban tudja majd megoldani ;)1000% erre még fogadni is felesleges ;)
Szerintem meg erősen túlértékeled Martin géniuszát.
Volt illetve több fajta magyarázás is volt már: Kép színeiből: Tűz és Jég. Mindkettő vélhetőleg Targaryan stb stb stb...