Elsődleges fülek
Joda írta: Vagy mert 1 hónappal a megjelenés után is 10 Gordon track volt kész? Nem akarom őket védeni, de valahol érthető, hogy nem akartak 1 évet várni mire kész mindegyik track rendesen miközben mindenki pontosan tisztában volt vele, hogy mindenki várja mint a megváltást és a CE mellé be is ígérték megjelenésre. Suxx, de attól még valahol érthető.
Marty leirta mi tortent.... Hat ja, Gordon baszott idoben befejezni.
Eleg eros sztori. DLC-re nem is ter vissza Gordon, valszeg a budos eletben nem lesz tobb egyutt dolgozas az id-el. Ezek utan ha ez tenyleg igy zajlott (marpedig Marty miert kamuzna ilyen pontosan open letterben) kivancsi leszek egyaltalan kivel tud dolgozni a jovoben, de sok sikert neki. Ezt most jol elbaszta. :( A zeneje hibatlan, de fuck...
Inkabb nezek meg egy szarabb Taika filmet mint barmit az uj vagasu star warsokbol (R1 kivetelevel), mert feltehetoen sokkal minosegibb lesz.
Viszont legalabb lehet alaplapot cserelni az LGA1200 miatt cserebe PCIe 4.0 tovabbra sincs. :D
LotR: Gollum kepek
Gondolom nem akarnak ellőnni benne mindent előre. Jó alapnak tűnik ettől függetlenül.
Amúgy meg.... Jó bundle
LOL, rajtad igazodjon el az ember. Van 3-4 jó játék benne->szar. Most meg van egy Jurassic / XCOM2 és elég jó. :DDD
Intel Xe die... wtf
2400mm2... :D
SZIA! :3
(Nokedli is visszatalalhatna :) )
Magnus Bruun es Cecilie Stenspil lesz a hangja a fo karakternek (ferfi/no valasztas lesz megint mint az Odyssey-ben)
Nekem mindig 1-2 pontot levont az élményből, hogy az egész valójában meg sem történik.
Akkor elsiklott a fejed felett, hogy az egesz megtortent es regi emlekeket elsz ujra a gep segitsegevel. Ha az Odyssey-nek lattad a tenyleges veget akkor meg egyertelmubb az egesz. Ugyhogy mehet vissza az az 1-2 pont akkor. ;)
Oveket becsatolni! :DDD
the press call was not without its usual stuffing of marketing that bordered on territory of “probably literally made up,” but Intel later retracted those claims after questioning.
Ajanlom mindenki figyelmebe a 3. sort. :DDDDD
Intel later did follow-up and noted this:“Slide 3 in the file shared yesterday had a version error. The correct information is reflected in Slide 3 of the PDF deck saved to this folder. The bullet that was removed, pertaining to the 60% of games are optimized for single core, was meant to be an internal guide only. We regret the error, and appreciate your understanding.”
Ja, eleg zavaro volt az Odysseyben is az a netto 10 perc amit a csajjal kellett maszkalni. :D Annyit talan elbir a jatek a 60-70 ora alatt.
McDevitt interju.
I always find there are two ways to go with a role-playing game where you get to have dialogue choices. You either get to be a blank slate and you create your character--which is one way of doing it--your choices decide whether you're a wisecracking character or a stoic, or you have a distinct personality and your choices orbit in the spectrum of possible responses--they take the drama in different directions but the character remains coherent. We opted for the latter, we really wanted a coherent personality that people can say, "That is definitely Eivor. That is something that Eivor would say." We don't want players to have multiple different types of Eivor. That was a creative decision we made and it worked out really well.
we do approach narrative in this game in a very unique way and I think it will be one of the stand-out aspects of the game--the structure of the narrative. Because the structure of the narrative is different--it actually didn't rely on next-gen tech at all, it relied on structuring story experiences in a way I haven't seen in any game as far as I can think of--this will definitely be a unique story structure for Assassin's Creed fans. But I would even dare say it's quite unique for any game. I don't think people have experienced a story in quite this way--how we present it to you, how you consume it--it's very unique. And again, it doesn't rely on next-gen at all. It relied on being willing to experiment with a different way of presenting information to players and leading you through the world.
We continue Layla's story. We have a lot of interesting new approaches to the present day story that we're excited for people to see. It's something I've wanted to see for many years and we finally had the idea in a way that we could pull it off, which I won't get into. But we definitely continue Layla's story. That hasn't changed.
I will say the Viking longship does play a big role in the game. We've tried to make it as interesting and fun as possible to sail.
Akkor orulni fogsz, hogy a lead writer ugyanaz aki a Black Flag-et irta, a lead dev garda meg akik az Origins-t raktak ossze. :)
If all goes well there, we'll turn ranked on in Europe after the hotfix patch (so after 9:30AM CEST on May 1).
Szoval delutantol mehet a ranked grind! Woohoooo \o/
Dolgoznak rajta nyugi. :)
(puszi a Digic-esek hasára ;) )
Become Eivor, a legendary Viking raider on a quest for glory. Explore England's Dark Ages as you raid your enemies, grow your settlement, and build your political power.
• Lead epic Viking raids against Saxon fortresses throughout England.
• Dual-wield powerful weapons and relive the visceral fighting style of the Vikings.
• Challenge yourself with the most varied collection of enemies ever found in Assassin's Creed.
• Shape the growth of your character with every choice you make and carve your path to glory.
• Explore a Dark Age open world, from the harsh shores of Norway to the beautiful kingdoms of England.
• Copy of the Ultimate Edition of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, including the following digital content.
Extend your experience with the Season Pass:
• Get access to epic new content, explore new lands and discover new gear.
• Enjoy an immersive Story Mission, available at Launch.
Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies, dominate raids and rivers with the set of items included in the Ultimate Pack:
• The Berserker Gear Pack includes the Bearded Axe, the Ursine Guard Light Shield, a new skin for your Raven, the ferocious Hati Wolf Mount and the Berserker Set for Eivor.
• The Berserker Longship Pack includes a majestic Longship which comes with a unique figurehead and a set of new sails.
• The Berserker Settlement Pack includes new ways to customise your settlement in England.
• A Set of Runes to sharpen the weapons or improve the gear of your choice.
Grat LY, kurva jó cinematic lett. :)rwurl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKjUAWlbTJk
+1 A Sony-ra. Asszonynak ilyenje van, gecijo. Minden filleret megeri.
Ezzel csak az a baj, hogy a 3 minden szempontbol jobb... :(
Blogpost a cosmetic cuccokrol:
VALORANT is introducing Radianite Points as a way to evolve certain weapon skins. The first level is unlocked when you get the skin. You can then use Radianite Points to unlock each additional level, featuring customizations like new visual effects, audio, animations, unique finishers, and variants.
Szoval megveszed aranyaron a skint majd utana vehetsz meg radianite pointot is, hogy unlockold a skinnel jaro extrakat is. Hibatlan rendszer. Igaz kozlik, hogy Battle Pass-bol jutsz majd ilyen radianite pointhoz, de akkor is. :D
Amugy meg holnap hajnalban jon egy hotfix par exploitra es talan hetvegere aktivaljak a rankedet is.
Igen, ki lett. Ott en voltam az elnyomo fasiszta uralkodo aki elnyomta, mert ugye csak poenkodott azzal egy napon keresztul, hogy halalraver valakit.
@Zoo: nem lett visszaengedve es nem is lesz, mert abban a pillanatban dobbant az ott is jelenlevo aktiv tarsasag 90%a es en szemely szerint nem sok ertelmet latom annak, hogy akik egyutt jatszanak (Apex, CoD, mostmar Valorant) szetszeledjenek csak azert, hogy Zaxx ott is sertegethessen mikor kit. Plusz amikor feltettem a kerdest, hogy visszajojjon-e az en fejem tepte le majdnem mindenki. :D
2 ha engem kerdezel. A Black Flag-nel nalam sajnos alapbol elbaszta a "sztorit", hogy egy semmirekello kaloz faszfejjanko nagyhirtelen megvilagosodott es csatlakozott a rendhez... :D
Ah, nem lattam. Viszont igy mar elegge ertheto lepes. Viszont most neztem, hogy a Cineworld (mozihalozat ami nalunk is uzemel es a berletem hozzajuk szol) is csatlakozott ehhez ugyhogy rip Universal filmek moziban. Meh. :( Megertem oket is, de azert igy elvagni magukat az egyik legtobb bevetelt termelo disztributortol eleg hulye huzas. Valszeg ha a Disney huzott volna ilyet most mely kussban lennenek. :D
A kerdes jo. :D Uj gameplay? Talan.