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Steam: mrstrato
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Mennyire tolja a rockstar a contentet hihetetlen. Kéne megint tolni.

Youtube: Csöpi plays -

Kérdés, hogy az online PC-n még mindig döglött-e a sok cheatertől.

Angol tudósok szerint a fenti hozzászólás nemcsak a szerző, hanem egyben az egész emberiség egyetemes véleményét is tükrözi.

Valaki nemrég tolta innét és a válasz igen. :(

Szóval Freak vedd meg PS4-re meg más is és toljuk. Minél többen annál jobb.

Youtube: Csöpi plays -

Ez standalone játék vagy valami GTA5 extra? Mert a GTA5 PC-re van meg. Amúgy felkerült a PS4 listára of korsz :)

What's that Star? Its a Death Star. What does it do? It does DEATH!

Free dlc az online részhez. Fél évente jön kb egy ilyen nagyobb és kb havonta a kisebb contentet.

Youtube: Csöpi plays -

ehh steamen mar elo is lehet rendelni. attol tartok most nyaron ismet lukasra egetem a paypal szamlamat...


Egészen december 1-ig tart a nyarad?
Bár ahol élsz...

ibi amentia latet

What's that Star? Its a Death Star. What does it do? It does DEATH!

God of War részletek

This is not Dark Souls: Odin Edition. Kratos can still slice, dice, hack and wreck with the best of them. His personal reach might no longer match that of his old Blades of Chaos days (though there’s good reason for his switch to an axe), but in the demo I saw today he was clearly as fast, ferocious, fearsome and flowing as he was back in Greece. His attacks have more direct, heavy impact nowadays, but his crowd-control efficiency remains supreme. Fear not. When you want to spill blood, it will be spilled. And when you need to deal with threats from further afield, hey, you’ve got a son with a bow.

He describes the new God of War as being in the spirit of a classic, fantasy adventure game. Specifically, he describes the joy of spotting a crack in a wall, dropping a bomb to blow it open, and discovering the magic of a brand new area, hidden in plain sight the whole time.

That’s how God of War is approaching exploration. It certainly isn’t an open-world game by any means, but it does contain many hidden sights off the beaten track. Find the means to discover them, and you’ll be treated to all kinds of new delights, none of them vital to your journey, but all of them enriching it in some way, be that by additional narrative context, or simply revealing a cool new part of the world.

Referencing this, Barlog tells me that in God of War’s narrative, all mythology exists simultaneously, distinct from, but respectful of, all the rest. Don’t expect the original God of War trilogy to be entirely forgotten. There will certainly be a character or two in the new game who knows of Kratos’ origins.

Barlog admits, as QTEs are discussed, that he was tired of God of War’s trademark, cinematic combat trick by the end of the second game. Thus, they’re not coming in anything like the same capacity, in the new one. That’s not to say that there won’t be huge, stand-out takedown moments. It’s just that from now on, they’ll be under the player’s control, triggered by the same actions and agency as everything else in the game. There’s a grab button. There’s a ‘hit with axe’ button. Players know how to use such things, so Barlog is going to trust them to know how to combine them at the right time for the right, destructive purpose. Much as God of War’s exploration won’t hint or dictate with collectible checklists or leading waypoints, its violence is going to let the player carve their own path.

1) Neverending Story being an influence confirms my speculation that the kid was named after the hero alter-ego in that movie.
2) Confirms skill-tree.
3) Confirms that there are separate skill-trees for father and son.
4) Apparantly kid is vulnerable if you choose to use his actions with circle button.

The presentation focused on character relationships; gone are the days of the angry Kratos who spurned aid and used random strangers as door-jams. Kratos’ bond with his son expresses itself mechanically as well as narratively. During certain combat sequences, players will actually take control of the son. In one instance, leaping off Kratos’ back and switching in order to shoot some arrows to harass enemies. As players progress, they will be able to teach the boy new abilities much like they would Kratos. The whole thing sounds like a smart way to express the father-son, master-student relationship through the game’s combat.

Beyond the central relationship of Krato and his son, the game will allow players to befriend allies who will also be able to help out. One of those allies is the dwarf Sindri, who crafted the legendary hammer Mjolnir. He’s a weapons merchant, sure, but if you interact with him it’ll eventually lead to a reconciliation with his estranged brother Brokkr.

God of War will still have plenty of brutal combat and bloody executions, but the Kratos Barlog described sounded far less like the unlikable brute of past games. When asked if that was a deliberate response to those who criticize Kratos as being a one dimensional character, Barlog disagreed that the changes were quite so dramatically motivated but acknowledged the change. “Who I was and how I view the world is different now,” Barlog said. “We had initially embraced the concept that Kratos was an anti-hero. You didn’t want to root for him. But how interesting would it be to take a person who had fallen and figure out how they will pick themselves back up?”

A variation of the quick time event will still appear in the game. For big, elaborate boss battles, Barlog said, players can expect the “Track and Field” design, referring to the classic NES game in which players quickly spammed buttons to create a feeling of physical exertion. In dramatic sequences, God of War might ask the player to spam “X” or twirl the control sticks to mimic the action happening on screen. But at no point will the game require the player to tap a button at a precise moment.

“[QTE’s] are cool,” said Barlog, “but we’re finding a better way.”

What's that Star? Its a Death Star. What does it do? It does DEATH!

G2A-n böngészve egész érdekes preorder-t találtam:
The Guild 3

Fogalmam sem volt, hogy készül. Mondjuk Youtube-on is csak random francia/német videók vannak 1-2 évre visszamenőleg. Az első rész baromi jó volt szvsz. Viszont hivatalos release date egyelőre 2017 Q3/4.

Az első rész all time kedvenc, kár, hogy a második nagyon rossz lett.
Ugyanez igaz a Spellforce-ra is, aminek szintén jön a 3. része. Feltámadtak a JoWood frencsájzok. :D

Angol tudósok szerint a fenti hozzászólás nemcsak a szerző, hanem egyben az egész emberiség egyetemes véleményét is tükrözi.

Én még vacilálok, hogy a The Guild 2 vagy a Stronghold 2 hagyott mélyebb sebet :P.

Egy kis BGE 2 engine bemutataó

ez így nagyon cool meg minden, de ilyen bemutatót már láttunk nem is olyan rég és inkább nem is szeretne emlékezni rá senki (nms), szóval remélem nemsokára lesz valami érdemi gameplay is:)
Szerk: király, mire megnéztem és beszúrtam a linket már le is vették lol:)

Nekem is eszembe juttatta az NMS-t, de ez csak a BGE egy kicsi resze, mondhatni az alapok. En meg mindig nem irtam le, majd ha tobbet lattunk belole, akkor fogok orulni/anyazni

Nem rajongok a mobil játékokért de ez meglehetősen jónak néz ki.

What's that Star? Its a Death Star. What does it do? It does DEATH!

PC-re megjelenő új rész sincs túlmarketingelve, pedig elég aktívan nézegetem a játékmegjelenéseket.

Túlmarketingelve nincs bár gondolom úgy is főképp rajongók veszik azt majd és azok valszeg tudnak róla. Én is várom már :)

What's that Star? Its a Death Star. What does it do? It does DEATH!

Annyit tologatták-tologatják folyamatosan a megjelenését, hogy ők se tudják, mikor merhetik elkezdeni a reklámhadjáratot.

ibi amentia latet

Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám

Boz képe

Játékosok által hostolt szerókat nem terveznek sajnos, de amúgy kurvára tetszik.

Éljenek a videojátékok!

Non serviam

Non serviam

A The Guild 2: Renaissance szépen kiköszörülte a csorbát, nem rég vettem 700 hufért. Tegyetek egy próbát míg kijön a 3. rész és hozzá jó pár patch....

eközben a készülő HB Battletechben

ez igen hangulatos! viszont remelem a karakter modellek es animok csak placeholderek, mert azok viszont ugyanugy neznek ki mint a regi stalkerben. (bar azon is tulteszem magam, ha jo a game)


Everyone wants to shine like a diamond, but no one want to get cut

ez nagyon jól néz ki

Ez tetszik!

@Nokedli Benevezünk rá? :P

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