will have a new soundtrack by Ben Prunty, FTL’s composer, as well as writing and world-building from the keyboard of Chris Avellone
Key Features:
- Defend the Cities: Civilian buildings power your mechs. Defend them from the Vek and watch your fire!
- Perfect Your Strategy: All enemy attacks are telegraphed in minimalistic, turn-based combat. Analyze your opponent's attack and come up with the perfect counter every turn.
- Build the Ultimate Mech: Find powerful new weapons and unique pilots as you battle the Vek infestation across Corporate-Nation islands.
- Another Chance: Failure is not an option. When you are defeated, send help back through time to save another timeline!
Ezt valami kerek egész játék fícsörei között el tudnám képzelni, mint a GTA-ban az endorphin beépítése, de ez egy egész játékhoz elég kevésnek tűnik. Szinte biztos vagyok benne, hogy Unarmed bear hunting simulator lesz belőle.
n0k0m írta: Ezt valami kerek egész játék fícsörei között el tudnám képzelni
Igen, itt is errol van szo
SCUM evolves the multiplayer open world survival game with unprecedented levels of character customization, control, and progression where knowledge and skills are the ultimate weapons for long-term survival.
Described as a cross between Dark Souls and Amiga cult classic Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight, Alaloth will be broadly divided into two gameplay phases. Movement across the game’s overworld is turn-based, with players visiting points of interest to upgrade their character, buy mounts or visit the ruling families of the game’s four kingdoms to be given new quests or learn about the world’s political make-up.
On a first playthrough, players will choose from one of four races, and have to ally themselves with an existing house, each with an existing history and tie to one of the kingdoms. After one full completion, however, players will be able to create their own house, with customisable banners, mottos and more.
Enter a fight, however, and the game becomes an isometric action game, drawing on the looks of classic RPGs such as Baldur’s Gate, but utilising a more immediate combat system.
“Saying a game is ‘Souls-like’ is fashionable today,” explains Gamera CEO, Alberto Belli to IGN. “and it can have too many different meanings. Our goal was simple - to create a totally skill-driven combat system, bringing 3D mechanics to a new isometric perspective, something completely new for the genre.”rwurl=http://imgur.com/P7zMBETrwurl=http://imgur.com/vEA8n6frwurl=http://imgur...
FTL devs announce tactical kaiju battler Into The Breachrwurl=https://youtu.be/sJR1OpHNgzchttp://store.steampowered.com/app/590380/
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Ez egyelőre kicsit me(c)h, de azért feltettem várólistára.
Angol tudósok szerint a fenti hozzászólás nemcsak a szerző, hanem egyben az egész emberiség egyetemes véleményét is tükrözi.
Ránézésre kicsit ilyen Salt & Sanctuary meets Ori and the Blind Forest fíling, baromi bejövős.
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You can complete Dontnod’s Vampyr without killing anyone, but it’s a tough challenge
Inside Vampyr, the follow-up to Life Is Strange
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mindig is tudtam, hogy a maratoni futás fárasztó és unalmas
Akinek humora van mindent tud, akinek nincs az mindenre képes.
Akinek humora van mindent bír, akinek nincs az mindenre kényes.
A Necromunda még nagyon kezdeti stádiumban van, de én máris nagyon várom.
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Choose your next words with excpetional care!
Hangulatos a trailer, majd meglátjuk, milyen maga a játék...
Ezt valami kerek egész játék fícsörei között el tudnám képzelni, mint a GTA-ban az endorphin beépítése, de ez egy egész játékhoz elég kevésnek tűnik. Szinte biztos vagyok benne, hogy Unarmed bear hunting simulator lesz belőle.
Choose your next words with excpetional care!
Nem nagyon láttam árpídzsít az eksön között, de jól néz ki :)
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UI fos, korcsolyázás mehh... és a közelharci fegyerek miért mennek KERESZTÜL az ellenségen ahelyett, hogy lepattannának?
Non serviam
Igen, itt is errol van szo
NieR Automata may be slightly delayed on the PC
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Gamera Games has announced Alaloth: Champions of the Four Kingdoms, an isometric action-RPG in development for PC and consoles, scheduled for a 2018 release, and being created in conjunction with RPG legend, Chris Avellone.
Described as a cross between Dark Souls and Amiga cult classic Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight, Alaloth will be broadly divided into two gameplay phases. Movement across the game’s overworld is turn-based, with players visiting points of interest to upgrade their character, buy mounts or visit the ruling families of the game’s four kingdoms to be given new quests or learn about the world’s political make-up.
On a first playthrough, players will choose from one of four races, and have to ally themselves with an existing house, each with an existing history and tie to one of the kingdoms. After one full completion, however, players will be able to create their own house, with customisable banners, mottos and more.
Enter a fight, however, and the game becomes an isometric action game, drawing on the looks of classic RPGs such as Baldur’s Gate, but utilising a more immediate combat system.
“Saying a game is ‘Souls-like’ is fashionable today,” explains Gamera CEO, Alberto Belli to IGN. “and it can have too many different meanings. Our goal was simple - to create a totally skill-driven combat system, bringing 3D mechanics to a new isometric perspective, something completely new for the genre.”rwurl=http://imgur.com/P7zMBETrwurl=http://imgur.com/vEA8n6frwurl=http://imgur...
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Legion 1917 - Indie Turn-Based Strategy game set during the Bolshevik revolution and Russian Civil War. Coming out in 2017.
Our fighting system? Think Banner Saga or XCOM. More ways to achieve victory -peaceful, bloodthirsty... #gamedev #indiegame pic.twitter.com/5aySZpy9Ud— Legion 1917 (@legion_1917) February 24, 2017
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Az Apocalipsis készítői környékén egy ember sem volt vajon, aki megmondta volna, hogy jobb lenne, ha kussolna a narrátor?
Monas apó legyintett. Két kézzel is.
Nekem tetszik ez a morta.
Ilyet találtam hozzá:
valamiért a jó öreg Nox is beugrott róla.
Xenonauts 2 free public builds available
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Genesis Alpha One is a roguelike that blends base building with strategic FPS action
Genesis Alpha One is an ambitious sci-fi survival game with base-building and crew cloning
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Rég hallottam már a Phoenix Pointról, úgyhogy kicsit utánakeresgéltem. Az alábbiak biztosan vótak má, de egyrészt így könnyebben megtalálom, ha majd lesz időm megnézni is őket, másrészt hátha másnak is új:
Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám
Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám
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