Elsődleges fülek
Zaxx írta: csak a franc tudja, mennyi lesz később ez GPU-knál
En ezzel ugy vagyok, hogy akarmi lesz, 200 Watt fellettit az eletben nem veszek mar.
Lehet hogy hibas ez a gondolkodasmod, de sajna ez annyira nem volt ritka. Nekem korabban volt gondom mobil IE-vel es Firefox-al is. Az utobbi egy evben mondjuk komolyabban nem probaltam egyiket sem. (Pontosabban az iOS-est Firefox-ot hasznalom, de az ugye nem gecko alapu a platform korlatai miatt.)
Most megtalaltam a bugzilla-n az erre vonatkozo bejegyzest, de komolyabban sajnos nem foglalkoztak vele. Szerintem ez nagy hiba. Kisebb biztonsagi kockazatot jelentene ha ugy mukodne ahogy fentebb irtam. Tul sok oldalnak kell meg a flash, ez van. Sajna meg nem lehet tole megszabadulni.
Amit mondjuk megoldhatna a kedves Mozilla az az, hogy ha egy nyamvadt plugin-t letilt az ember egy oldalon akkor az oldal szamara legyen mar ugy letiltva mintha az add-ons-ban lenne letiltva. Egyszeruen kurva idegesito ahogy most mukodik (peldaul ott ahol elsodleges a flash alapu video lejatszo).
A problema az, hogy bar bizonyos funkciok eltavolitasanal valoban ez az indok, mas funkcioknal meg csak igy lesz es kesz (sokszor mert mashol is igy van). Azert ne tegyunk mar ugy mintha minden valtoztatas vagy funkcio kiszedes csak es kizarolag az elmult ket evtized szemetenek a kigyalulasat szolgalna.
Sajna a piaci reszesedes meg nagyon is szamit amikor sajat motort hasznalnak. Eljon az ido amikor az ember egy kezen meg tudja szamolni a szazalekos reszesedeset a desktop Firefox-nak. (A mobil most is kimutathatatlan.) Na akkor majd meg lehet nezni, hogy mennyi oldal is fogja jol tamogatni az aktualis gecko-t (vagy servo-t). Meg csak a minosege se fog annyira szamitani.
Szerintem a legutolso bekezdest felreerteted, az a Microsoft Edge-re vonatkozott.
En tovabbra se hiszem, hogy minden funkciot el kell tavolitani vagy meg kell valtoztatni. Ketlem, hogy a find ne maradhatott volna olyan mint volt (legalabb egy about:config opcioval). Vagy miert kellett Options-bol az Javascript reszt kiszedni. Ezzel az erovel a funkciok nagyreszet el lehetne tavolitani, hiszen az atlagfelhasznalok ugysem hasznaljak azokat. Sosem volt a Firefox bloated bongeszo. Szerintem ne legyen mindenre add-on a valasz mikozben marhasagokat probalna a programba tenni (ahogy korabban irtam Firefox Hello).
Egyebkent mondhatunk mi akarmit, a piaci reszesedese onmagaert beszel. Nyilvan ez azt jelenti, hogy a jovoben megkevesebb penzt tud majd tamogataskent szerezni a Mozilla.
Szamomra az a problema, hogy a prioritasaikat rossz helyre helyeztek es hulye donteseket hoztak. Nyilvan bizonyos dolgok intergralasat nem lehet osszehasonlitani, de amikor azt latta az ember, hogy az MSE, EME, 64 bit (win eseteben), stb. tamogatasa sokat csuszik, az Electrolysis pedig ki tudja mikor lesz kesz, akkor ARMVv6 tamogatasra gyurnak (ami teljesen felesleges volt) vagy a Firefox Hello-hoz hasonlo marhasagokat pakolnak bele (kozben bizonyos funkciokat meg kiszednek vagy maskepp kezd mukodni (find in page, stb.) azt sokan nem neztek jo szemmel. Nem kell annyira lebutitani a bongeszot sem (nem mindenki akar mindenre add-on-t hasznalni ami csak a bongit lassitja), nem kell belole szinte mindent kiszedni. Mi lesz a kovetkezo? Nem lesz page info vagy csak a mostanitol benabb verzio. Nem a Chrome-ot kene mindenben uldozni. Hulyesegekre koncentralnak es azt hiszik azzal majd szerezhetnek felhasznalokat.
Mindezt ugy irom, hogy szamomra meg mindig a Firefox messze a leghasznalhatobb bongeszo.
Edge ugyben viszont nem ertek veled egyet. Szerintem a UI sokszor nem eleg gyors, alapveto funkciok hianyoznak a bongeszobol, bizonyos dolgok meg katasztrofalisan rosszak benne (url bar). Vannak olyan oldalak amik par percnyi bongeszes utan megfektetik az egesz bongeszot es egy percig tart kilepni belole.
Sajna eleg jelentektelen lett a Firefox a bongeszok piacan. Harom-negy ev es szinte sehol se lesznek. Rendesen elbaszta a Mozilla az utobbi par evet...
Az NX csak marciusban jon. E3-as bemutato nem lesz. A kovetkezo Zelda szinten marciusra van belove Wii U-ra es NX-re is. Wii U-bol erre az evre csak 800ezer darab leszallitasat tervezik (ez negyede az elozo evi szamoknak). Szoval a konzolnak gyakorlatilag vege van.
Nade minek probalkozzanak olyan erovel mint korabban? Mert szerintem ez a kerdes. Nyilvan ok is latjak, hogy meg a kritikailag elismert exkluziv jatekok se hoznak sokszor sikert, ezert inkabb nem is kockaztatnak annyit mint korabban.
NightBagoly írta: Pedig fogják
El van tulozva a PS3-on debutalt IP-k jelentossege. Ami tenyleg nagy siker volt es maradt az az Uncharted es a The Last of Us. Az utobbit viszont nem egyszeru folytatni...
A 32 bit-es Windows tamogatott, a 7 viszont nem (csak 8.1 es 10).
Altalanossagban ertettem. A PS3-on debutalt first party exkluziv jatekok kozul mi volt az ami tenyleg komoly siker volt es lehet is folytatni? Egyedul az Uncharted. A Microsoft is csak kinlodik ezzel. Sunset Overdrive, Project Spark, Rise of the Tomb Raider, stb. Meg a Halo 5 eladasai is gyengek voltak.
Sajna ugytunik nem eri meg ezen valtoztani. Egyszeruen nem fogynak ugy az exkluziv jatekok mint regebben.
Nyilvan az asztali gondolok gyakoribb frissulesere gondoltam:)
Hamarosan az asztali konzolra is maskepp fog nezni az ember;)
Igen, ugyanazok lesznek a jatekok (nem lesz kulon PS4 neo lemez vagy kulon verzio PSN-en), csak a neo-n nagyobb felbontasban, jobb grafikai beallitasokkal, magasabb fps-el futhatnak a jatekok.
A mostani pletyik szerint a VR doboz ugyanugy kelleni fog majd ehhez is.
A mostani megoldas sokkal inkabb hasonlit a DS->DSi es a 3DS->New 3DS upgrade-re. Bar nem lesz akkora a kulonbseg.
Az "aprobb" reviziok nem igazan szabdalnak semmit (most nem a PS4 neo-rol beszelek), korabban is volt beloluk rengeteg. (Mar a PS1-bol is legalabb 6 revizio volt.)
Sources: The Upgraded PlayStation 4 is Codenamed NEO, Contains Upgraded CPU, GPU, RAM
Original PS4
CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 1.6 GHz
GPU: AMD GCN, 18 CUs at 800 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 176 GB/s
CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 2.1 GHz
GPU: Improved AMD GCN, 36 CUs at 911 MHz
Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 218 GB/s
Though the NEO will offer greater visual fidelity than the original PS4, Sony is taking measures not to split their user base in two.
Earlier this year, rumors began to fly that Sony would release an upgraded version of the PlayStation 4, a console often called the PS4.5 or the PS4K by fans and press. Today, multiple sources have confirmed for us details of the project, which is internally referred to as the NEO. No price was provided, but previous reports indicate that the NEO would sell at $399. At time of publishing, Sony has not returned our request for comment, but we will update this story if the company responds.
The NEO will feature a higher clock speed than the original PS4, an improved GPU, and higher bandwidth on the memory. The documents we've received note that the HDD in the NEO is the same as that in the original PlayStation 4, but it's not clear if that means in terms of capacity or connection speed. Starting in October, every PS4 game is required to ship with both a “Base Mode” which will run on the currently available PS4 and a “NEO Mode” for use on the new console
Games running in NEO mode will be able to use the hardware upgrades (and an additional 512 MiB in the memory budget) to offer increased and more stable frame rate and higher visual fidelity, at least when those games run at 1080p on HDTVs. The NEO will also support 4K image output, but games themselves are not required to be 4K native.
In the documents we’ve received, Sony offers suggestions for reaching 4K/UltraHD resolutions for NEO mode game builds, but they're also giving developers a degree of freedom with how to approach this. 4K TV owners should expect the NEO to upscale games to fit the format, but one place Sony is unwilling to bend is on frame rate. Throughout the documents, Sony repeatedly reminds developers that the frame rate of games in NEO Mode must meet or exceed the frame rate of the game on the original PS4 system.
The NEO will not supplant the current PS4, but will exist alongside of it and use the same user environment. The PS4 and NEO will use the same PSN store, connect to the same online communities, and offer the same user experience, so expect to see the same cross media bar that you’re used to. Players will be able to retain all of the purchases they made on the PS4.
Sony seems committed to keeping the NEO and the original PS4 player bases connected. As such, there will be no NEO-only games, and Sony will not let developers separate NEO users from original PS4 players while playing on PSN. Likewise, Sony explicitly and repeatedly states that developers cannot offer exclusive gameplay options or special unlockables for NEO players—so don’t expect NEO owners to get a level editor or a special Rocket League car that you won’t have access to on your original PS4. That said, so long as both systems have the same feature, the NEO can run an improved version. A local co-op game that features four players on the base PS4 could offer an eight player co-op mode on the NEO, for instance. But again, don't expect those differences to transfer to online modes.
PS4 Base and NEO versions of a game will also need to have parity with regard to peripheral support. So don’t expect NEO Games to have exclusive VR modes. Sony makes no mention of PlayStation VR in the docs we've seen, so it's hard to know what that means for the persistent rumors that this upgraded PS4 will be able to support PSVR without the "breakout box" that the headset ships with. That said, so long as the NEO's upgrades apply to PSVR games, developers should be able to get even more performance out of Sony's VR headset.
Though every PS4 game released as of October of this year will need to support both the original PS4 and the NEO, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the Neo will release in October. Additionally, games released in the late September window will require a day one patch that updates them to NEO standards. The documents we’ve received explicitly note that devs are allowed to launch NEO-ready games before the NEO itself releases.
Games released previous to the NEO can take advantage of this hardware upgrade, but only if developers decide to patch their titles. That isn’t too surprising: This was never going to be a magical “upgrade” device. I'm curious to see if any developers will take advantage of the NEO to improve previous PS4 releases. (I would certainly appreciate it if Bethesda would give the NEO-treatment to Fallout 4).
All of this is pretty well in line with early reports and rumors. A recent Digital Foundry report outlined the likely limits of an upgraded PS4, and the info we've received from sources seems in line with those findings.
I'm happy that Sony will take steps to keep the PS4 and NEO users connected, and that they are setting strict guidelines for developers. There's a chance that will help to keep the user base unified despite new hardware entering the market. This could be a hard sell to those users who only recently purchased a PS4 if there isn't an upgrade path made available to them. At the same time, this could pave the way to drop the original PS4 price even further, offering cheaper access to a really solid console. In any case, I'm hopeful that Sony can make this work. Expect more details to emerge over the coming weeks.
Hat az 55%-os eses mar erezhetoen kisebb mint a 69%-os. Bar nemzetkozi szinten nem volt ekkora kulonbseg. USA-ban es Kanadaban nincs 60 millio, valoszinuleg mar 50 sem. Innen vilagszinten meg kb 100 millio varhato.
A Suicide Squad szerintem Deadpool szintu robbanas lesz.
Nem kell minden hulyeseget elhinni:)
Siman elkepzelheto. Bar azert a tovabbiakban valoszinuleg kicsit csillapodni fog az eses merteke. 850 es 930 millio kozott barhol befejezheti...
Warner Bros. Pushes 'Jungle Book' to 2018, 'Wonder Woman' Gets New Date
Jungle Book, which will be directed by Andy Serkis, is moving back an entire year, from Oct. 6, 2017, to Oct. 19, 2018.
In DC cinematic universe news, Wonder Woman, which will star Gal Gadot (who made her debut in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice), is moving up from June 23, 2017, to June 2, 2017.
Warner Bros. also set dates for two of its now-untitled DC films: Oct. 5, 2018, and Nov. 1, 2019. These new dates are set for yet-to-be announced films and are in addition to the already set DC films, which include Suicide Squad (Aug. 5, 2016), The Flash (March 16, 2018), The Justice League Part One (Nov. 17, 2017), Aquaman (July 27, 2018), Shazam! (April 5, 2019), Justice League Part Two (June 14, 2019), Cyborg (April 3, 2020) and Green Lantern Corps (June 19, 2020).
An untitled WB event film is slated for Oct. 6, 2017.
Warner Bros. Pushes 'Jungle Book' to 2018, 'Wonder Woman' Gets New Date
Jungle Book, which will be directed by Andy Serkis, is moving back an entire year, from Oct. 6, 2017, to Oct. 19, 2018.
In DC cinematic universe news, Wonder Woman, which will star Gal Gadot (who made her debut in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice), is moving up from June 23, 2017, to June 2, 2017.
Warner Bros. also set dates for two of its now-untitled DC films: Oct. 5, 2018, and Nov. 1, 2019. These new dates are set for yet-to-be announced films and are in addition to the already set DC films, which include Suicide Squad (Aug. 5, 2016), The Flash (March 16, 2018), The Justice League Part One (Nov. 17, 2017), Aquaman (July 27, 2018), Shazam! (April 5, 2019), Justice League Part Two (June 14, 2019), Cyborg (April 3, 2020) and Green Lantern Corps (June 19, 2020).
An untitled WB event film is slated for Oct. 6, 2017.
A 800 millio siman osszejon, viszont a 900 millio mar kerdeses. Viszont a legnagyobb problema, hogy mint univerzum epito film is megbukott. Kozben meg mashel het mulva indul a JL1 forgatasa ugyanezzel a rendezovel.
Kemeny hetvegi eses jon a BvS eseteben.
Penteki USA+Kanada (domestic): 15,35 millio dollar, nemzetkozi: 19,2 millio.
Ebbol nem lesz 1 milliard...
Egy "aratlanabb" film sokkal konnyebben megkapja a tetszett plecsnit, kozben meg lehet annyira nem is tartjak jonak. Lasd peldaul a Good Dinosaur-t (76%, average rating csak 6.5/10). De mondjuk a Thor 2 is hasonlo...
Kapasbol nem megy mondjuk a GameSpot video lejatszoja Flash Player nelkul. De nincs kedvem hosszabb ideig kikapcsolt allapotban szorakozni, mert szamomra csak idegesito ez a megoldas.