Azt hiszem többet nem fogom MGS témában kérdezni, mert az egész történet úgy követhetetlen, ahogy van. Legalábbis úgy, hogy anno csak az első PC-s MGS-sel játszottam ... egy évtizede?
Raiden is elveszti a játék elején, és ahelyett, hogy kiberre cserélnék a félbevágott szervet, mint a teste fennmaradó hányadának kilencvensok százalékát – ideértve a másik szemet is –, inkább jövőrongyot kötnek az arcára a sisaklemez alá. Metal Gear.
Nem biztos, hogy jól értem, de a Terraria Otherworld egy különálló single player játék lesz. A Terraria most 1.3-nál tart, erre rakják majd még rá koronaként a mod támogatást, aztán a Re-Logic részéről elvileg ennyi (így is sokkal több ingyenes és ütős tartalmat kitoltak a játékhoz, mint bárki más manapság).
The game’s called Strength of the Sword:ULTIMATE, but it might as well be named FAN EDITION since if you compare the list of features we’re bringing this time around to those requested by our friends and fans you’d get 100% match. That's no coincidence, the support we received from the small but passionate community of the original PS3 game has been nothing short of amazing, so why wouldn't we pay them back by listening. People played the game and then sought us out to tell us all about their experience. For two guys that spent years cooked up in a sequence of small apartments working on their first independent game, finally getting it out and seeing people enjoy it – best feeling in the world.
We’re sticking with the hard but satisfying to master gameplay mechanics we enjoy. Call us old-fashioned, though we much prefer ‘WITH AN OLD SCHOOL ATTITUDE’, but we enjoy our brand of unforgiving mixture of a 3D BRAWLER and a FIGHTING GAME. Beating a game used to mean something to us as we were growing up and we want to give the same satisfaction to the player. We are also deadly allergic to button-mashing and if you get to spend some time with our game, we’ll be happy to see you contaminated with the same affliction. Mind your enemy and environment and plan every move before you execute it with intent and precision. You are a deadly war machine after all.
The entire original game is ported and polished as part of the new ULTIMATE game. Every location, every blood-thirsty monster from the original campaign will be back with as much bite if not more. We're very proud of our critters of various sizes and minds, and can't wait to introduce them to a wider audience of victims.
First of all, we're on the PC now. PC never gets out of style and everybody has one.
It was awesome to have people compete over leaderboard scores, but nothing resolves the 'who is the best' argument better than an old-fashion PvP. Back in the original game we were more interested in the player challenging himself rather than facing others. Well, since then... lets just say arguments were had inside the studio, gauntlets were thrown, words were spoken that cannot be taken back, so the PvP mode is as much for us as it is for everybody else.
But maybe you don't have a wise-ass co-worker that doesn't realize he's no match for your awesomeness. And instead have a trusted friend to take with you in battle. CO-OP will also be a part of the ULTIMATE experience. After all the minions of darkness come in numbers, so it's only natural that there's a place for a second War Golem on the battlefield.
The third multiplayer mode (yeah, when we do multiplayer we do ALL the multiplayer), is something that we'll talk about more in the months before the release of the game as it will need more time to refine and then be explained. It's called DARK MODE and it's going to be an AWESOME ASYMMETRICAL PVP MARATHON where one player gets infused with the power of the Darkness and goes on a Wargolem-slaying spree.
Singleplayer will get polished up and we have several ideas on bringing in the some new stand-alone levels that will extend the lore of the War Golem sent from the Almighty Mechanic in the sky. That also means new enemies with entirely new ways of thinking that will have even veterans from the original game sweating. As always button-mashing will not save you.
Bár tudom, hogy ez más játékokban is volt, de ... annyira mókás, hogy ott van két szörny a folyosón, amik épp rátámadnak a játékosra, de amikor az elkezdi nyitni az ajtót, akkor nem támadnak rá, hiába izzad ott kb. 10 másodpercig az ajtónak feszülve.
Azt hiszem többet nem fogom MGS témában kérdezni, mert az egész történet úgy követhetetlen, ahogy van. Legalábbis úgy, hogy anno csak az első PC-s MGS-sel játszottam ... egy évtizede?
The strong eat, the weak are meat.
Nem követhetetlen, de hogy várod el hogy értsd az utolsó részt teljes mértékben ha kihagytál 5 részt közben? :D
Raiden is elveszti a játék elején, és ahelyett, hogy kiberre cserélnék a félbevágott szervet, mint a teste fennmaradó hányadának kilencvensok százalékát – ideértve a másik szemet is –, inkább jövőrongyot kötnek az arcára a sisaklemez alá. Metal Gear.
ibi amentia latet
Nem várom el, csupán meglepődtem, hogy akit Snakenek gondoltam, az már nem Snake. Vagy nem tudom hogy van ez. :)
The strong eat, the weak are meat.
Big Bossból lett klónozva, Snake. 'Duh. :D Az mgs lore egy nagyon fasza dolog, érdemes utánaolvasni. :D
Ha szappanoperára vágysz. :)
Steam: mrstrato
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Jó lesz az.
Már készül a cikk hozzá. ;)
Steam: mrstrato
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Kettő is. :D
Töröltem magam...
Mi voltunk azok, a Vándorok.// Kik sohasem nyugszanak. / Kik sohasem haltak meg. / Kik sohasem éltek.
Bocs, a sebesség jegyében félrelöktem a konvenciókat. :)
Steam: mrstrato
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A csajod örülhet neked.
ibi amentia latet
Eddig nem panaszkodott. ;P
Steam: mrstrato
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Talán érdekel még itt valakit rajtam kívül - a Terraria végső update-ként mod supportot kap:
Steam: mrstrato
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16 Minutes of Dark Souls 3 Gameplay - Gamescom 2015
ibi amentia latet
5 darab Sword Coast Legends kép.
A csillagok közt nincs már béke, csupán öldöklés, sötétség, hideg, és a vérre szomjazó, kegyetlen istenek kacaja.
Ez az update az Otherworld volt, vagy ez csak egy 1.3-as frissítés?
Szédült Simon mondta a cukrásznak a vásáron:
Ide a sütikkel, vagy átkúrom a fejed a palánkon.
When people get too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them. - Ron Swanson
ibi amentia latet
Nem biztos, hogy jól értem, de a Terraria Otherworld egy különálló single player játék lesz. A Terraria most 1.3-nál tart, erre rakják majd még rá koronaként a mod támogatást, aztán a Re-Logic részéről elvileg ennyi (így is sokkal több ingyenes és ütős tartalmat kitoltak a játékhoz, mint bárki más manapság).
Steam: mrstrato
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Szédült Simon mondta a cukrásznak a vásáron:
Ide a sütikkel, vagy átkúrom a fejed a palánkon.
When people get too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them. - Ron Swanson
Szerintem a DS 3 itt senkit nem érdekel rajtad kívül...
Non serviam
Azér reklámolom.
ibi amentia latet
We’re sticking with the hard but satisfying to master gameplay mechanics we enjoy. Call us old-fashioned, though we much prefer ‘WITH AN OLD SCHOOL ATTITUDE’, but we enjoy our brand of unforgiving mixture of a 3D BRAWLER and a FIGHTING GAME. Beating a game used to mean something to us as we were growing up and we want to give the same satisfaction to the player. We are also deadly allergic to button-mashing and if you get to spend some time with our game, we’ll be happy to see you contaminated with the same affliction. Mind your enemy and environment and plan every move before you execute it with intent and precision. You are a deadly war machine after all.
The entire original game is ported and polished as part of the new ULTIMATE game. Every location, every blood-thirsty monster from the original campaign will be back with as much bite if not more. We're very proud of our critters of various sizes and minds, and can't wait to introduce them to a wider audience of victims.
First of all, we're on the PC now. PC never gets out of style and everybody has one.
It was awesome to have people compete over leaderboard scores, but nothing resolves the 'who is the best' argument better than an old-fashion PvP. Back in the original game we were more interested in the player challenging himself rather than facing others. Well, since then... lets just say arguments were had inside the studio, gauntlets were thrown, words were spoken that cannot be taken back, so the PvP mode is as much for us as it is for everybody else.
But maybe you don't have a wise-ass co-worker that doesn't realize he's no match for your awesomeness. And instead have a trusted friend to take with you in battle. CO-OP will also be a part of the ULTIMATE experience. After all the minions of darkness come in numbers, so it's only natural that there's a place for a second War Golem on the battlefield.
The third multiplayer mode (yeah, when we do multiplayer we do ALL the multiplayer), is something that we'll talk about more in the months before the release of the game as it will need more time to refine and then be explained. It's called DARK MODE and it's going to be an AWESOME ASYMMETRICAL PVP MARATHON where one player gets infused with the power of the Darkness and goes on a Wargolem-slaying spree.
Singleplayer will get polished up and we have several ideas on bringing in the some new stand-alone levels that will extend the lore of the War Golem sent from the Almighty Mechanic in the sky. That also means new enemies with entirely new ways of thinking that will have even veterans from the original game sweating. As always button-mashing will not save you.
Non serviam
Non serviam
Nem adom fel, míg egy darabban látsz, nem adom fel, míg sállalallallá
ibi amentia latet
ibi amentia latet
Őőő... most ezzel mit akartak elérni? Vagy közölni?
Vérgáz. :-)
Non serviam
Kb. ezt.
ibi amentia latet
Bár tudom, hogy ez más játékokban is volt, de ... annyira mókás, hogy ott van két szörny a folyosón, amik épp rátámadnak a játékosra, de amikor az elkezdi nyitni az ajtót, akkor nem támadnak rá, hiába izzad ott kb. 10 másodpercig az ajtónak feszülve.
The strong eat, the weak are meat.
Ezen én is somolyogtam egyet. :)
Steam: mrstrato
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