Jelenlegi hely

Hírek a Rewired figyelmébe

Utolsó bejegyzés


At the time of this article's publication, just 480 people were playing the game on Valve's platform, with a 24-hour peak of 888.

Istenem :DDD



Chief Exorcist

Engem nem szippantott be, de hátha valakit érdekel.
Jön az Alien isolation folytatása.

Al Hope returns to lead development on the sequel having done so on the first game. In his statement published to X/Twitter, Hope said: "On the 10th anniversary, it seems only fitting to let you know that we have heard your distress calls loud and clear.

"Today, I'm delighted to confirm, on behalf of the team, that a sequel to Alien: Isolation is in early development. We look forward to sharing more details with you when we're ready."

És jön a RDR1 is PC-re, méghozzá most október végén.


:O :O :O <3

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