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Hát, vannak rosszabb opciók :D

Azt hittem, valami jó kis lópáncél lesz, de csak egy full expansion. :(

Angol tudósok szerint a fenti hozzászólás nemcsak a szerző, hanem egyben az egész emberiség egyetemes véleményét is tükrözi.

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Augusztus 13-án jön androidra is a Fallout Shelter

Randy Pitchford has gone full-Molyneux


Eurogamer: Specifically regarding Aliens, if we forget for a moment whether we like it or we don't like it, a lot of people feel the game that launched was substantially different to the game that had been shown previously at trade shows.


Randy Pitchford: Yeah, games change under development, that's true.

Eurogamer: I absolutely accept that, and the footage was marked as work in progress and that's fair. What I'm curious about is why did this game change in the way it did?

Randy Pitchford: Which way do you want to talk about? Pick a way it changed. Do you have a specific example of something that changed?

Eurogamer: Yes! If we look at the E3 2011 gameplay demo for Aliens, there were certain graphical effects we didn't see in the launch version.

Randy Pitchford: We need a laptop. We can't do this.

Eurogamer: Oh come on. You must know what I'm talking about.

Randy Pitchford: I can't remember every effect. I can't possibly remember.

Eurogamer: Okay, but the general point is that it didn't look as good when it launched as it did in those videos.

Randy Pitchford: I think that's subjective. There was one demo that was done, there was basically the same environment that was the first map of the game, and they were trying to show, oh look how it changed. It was kind of hilarious because, the first thing was, you're walking down the umbilical cord and then there's a jolt and a shake and you look up and a body of a marine smashes against the glass and the glass shatters and there's blood and then the first-person player falls down and there's blood on the ground and then he pushes his hand off of it and stands up and you can see blood on his hand, and then he readies his gun and moves forward.


Silent Hills' Kojima, Del Toro Still Plan to Work on New Project

In an interview with IGN, del Toro said, "I love working with Kojima-san. We are still in touch. We are still friends and working into doing something together, but that’s not going to be [Silent Hills]."



The top 10 selling video games of 2015 (so far, in US retail)

1. Mortal Kombat X
2. Grand Theft Auto V
3. Battlefield Hardline
4. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
5. Minecraft
6. Batman: Arkham Knight
7. Dying Light
8. NBA 2K15
9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
10. Super Smash Bros.


Azert ez megsem egy Chris Benoit szituacio, de meg akkor sem illik tortenelmet hamisitani

Everyone wants to shine like a diamond, but no one want to get cut

A World Wresting Entertainment minden kapcsolatot megszakít a pankrátorlegenda Hulk Hogannel

De gondolom a rajta megkeresett pénzhegyeket nem adják vissza neki. Annyira azért nincsenek felháborodva. A Jachtok és ballagási Bentley-k is maradnak.

Szédült Simon mondta a cukrásznak a vásáron:
Ide a sütikkel, vagy átkúrom a fejed a palánkon.

When people get too chummy with me I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them. - Ron Swanson

Pitchword went full retard. Fokozatosan baszott fel ahogy olvastam a valaszait. Balfasz.

Tipikus hasbeszélő menedzser. A vicc az, hogy ennyi idő után simán felvállalhatta volna, hogy igen, elcsesztük, de x ok miatt a részleteket nem hozhatom elő, és jóccakát. E helyett megy a hülyének néző agyzsibbasztó mellébeszélés...

Akinek humora van mindent tud, akinek nincs az mindenre képes.
Akinek humora van mindent bír, akinek nincs az mindenre kényes.

A legtragikomikusabb az, mennyire viszonyelsimogatás/damage control szaga van ennek az egésznek: hogy most kidugta a képét a stúdióból a nyilvánosságra, talán mert hamarosan új címet akarnak bejelenteni, és előtte még megpuhongatnák a közvéleményt, hogy ne ellenséges légkörben kelljen csírát vetnie a köv. projektjüknek. De ez a boldogtalan csak nem bírja megállni, hogy hülyét csináljon magából és a cégéből azzal, hogy hülyének néz mindenki mást.

ibi amentia latet

Hulk Hogan helyett lesz Terminator:

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lol, megrándult a szeme a szivar érintésétől

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Ezt fel kellett volna venni mégegyszer.... :D

Nekem az ilyen címek már megkondítják a bulvárharangot*, meg nem is hiszem, hogy valaha újra előveszem a BG sorozatot, de hátha valaki örül neki:

* Hehe, ezt most találtam ki. Bulvárharang címmel mehetne egy állandó rovat a Rewireden, ha lenne, aki viszi. :)

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Steam: mrstrato
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Summer Games Done Quick, azaz egyhetes jótékonysági speedrun maraton

Steam: mrstrato
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Steam: mrstrato
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Jó lesz az.

Állítólag 70-es évek.

A csillagok közt nincs már béke, csupán öldöklés, sötétség, hideg, és a vérre szomjazó, kegyetlen istenek kacaja.


Choose your next words with excpetional care!

Gothicporonty-morzsák a német Gamestarból:

Here you go, quite a bit of background info.

- two hour interview with creative director Björn Pankratz
- idea for the game came up with planned Star Trek easter eggs for earlier Gothic games
- hero has a name (not revealed yet)

- Elex is a drug everybody in the universe is after
- Elex reached the game's planet via meteorite impact
- Intake of Elex results in continous loss of humanity (also refered to as "coolness")
- Elex causes mutations to addicts

- catastrophe on the planet caused the rise of several different groups
- some heavily rely and focus on tech, some dropped every modern technology and sort of live in the middle age
- civilisation before the catastrophe similar to our current status
- devs want to adress serious issues (acceptance of drugs in society, 'right' form of society...)

- huge world, barely scripted, exploration
- 3rd person view, skill system, join fractions, melee, magic, ranged weapons
- crafting
- streamed world, no loading screens
- in-house engine with PBR
- no outsourced inventory management, minimal HUD (GS speculation: Dead Space like)
- optional tutorial

- fans of Gothic will definitely recognize the Piranha Bytes touch
- Pankratz says Gothic 3 was "too generic", "barely any dialogue", "stories not involving", promises to alleviate these issues in Elex
- no pick-one-out-of-three ending in Elex (apparently also a huge flaw of Gothic 3? i dunno)


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Úgy fest, hogy Win Ten és Xbox One között oda-vissza lesz streamelési lehetőség:

Steam: mrstrato
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Harebrained Schemes is pleased to announce their return to Kickstarter this Fall to partner with Backers in co-funding the creation of BATTLETECH. Jordan Weisman, the creator of BattleTech and MechWarrior, is back with the first turn-based BattleTech game for PC in over two decades. Steeped in the feudal political intrigue of the BattleTech universe, the game will feature an open-ended Mercenaries-style campaign that blends RPG ‘Mech and MechWarrior management with modern turn-based tactics.​


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