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Hírek a Rewired figyelmébe

Utolsó bejegyzés

Zaxx írta: A vertical slice egyre borzalmasabb ötletnek tűnik marketing szempontból.

Mert a fejlesztői eszköztár része, nem a marketingesé. Csak van az a negatív gerincmennyiségi állapot, amiben ez nem érdekli a "felelősöket".

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Kicsordult a _Watch___Dogs_I__I-tréler a twitch ujjai közül:

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ubisoft's writing/art team for watch dogs


:D :D :D :D

Ezek szerint nem csak nekem tűnt úgy, hogy már megint nagyon hipek akarnak lenni. Végül is bejött a Sunset Overdrive-nak is... oh wait.

Ha olyan kommentet látsz tőlem, amit kevesebb, mint 5 perccel korábban posztoltam, ne olvasd el, mert még írom.

ibi amentia latet

ibi amentia latet

Boz képe

De ezt a hulladékot valaki várja vagy valami? :D
Van olyan ember akinek bejött az első részt? Én csak rosszat hallottam róla mindenütt.

Éljenek a videojátékok!

Boz írta: De ezt a hulladékot valaki várja vagy valami? :D

Természetesen: a zubi részvényesei.

Van olyan ember akinek bejött az első részt?

Arra nem tenném a nyakam, viszont még így is minden idők legsikeresebb új videojátékos IP-indítása lett, vagy közel.

ibi amentia latet

ibi amentia latet

ibi amentia latet

Remedy now expanded into two teams; two new games in development (Alan Wake is not one of the games; Not VR or mobile); has new partner
"We’re working on something else, but at the same time we’re exploring opportunities in other mediums to tell more Alan Wake stories." Felkérik Kinget (vagy a fiát) egy AW-regényre, és bezárul a kör, ahogy kör eddig még sosem zárult be?

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LY képe

WD2: engem is meglepett, de Gelencsér Péter haverom (bár ez kissé talán túlzás) dolgozik rajta designerként. FYI, Witcher 3-ban valami leadsenior volt, csomó bemutató videót is ő narrált, és hát emiatt a meló miatt lépett akkor ki a CDPR-ből (vagy csak Kanadába akart menni)

nem tudom mást érdekel-e de engem nagyon: 17.-én jön a Dreamfall chapters utsó része, véget ér a Longest journey trilógia, talán fény derül a legtöbb rejtélyre. Remélhetőleg nem mindenre, mert ahogy réges-régen, még a kalandok elején elhangzott:
"Mystery is important. To know everything, to know the whole truth, is dull. There is no magic in that. Magic is not knowing, magic is wondering about what and how and where."

Részemről felváltva vigyorgok mint valami veszett és átkozom, hogy hétvégén rewired-talira elígérkeztem... :D D:

Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám


Call of Cthulhu:

insanity is the only path for truth

The E3 trailer for Call of Cthulhu, the official video game adaptation of Chaosium’s pen & paper RPG, rises from the depths. Developed for consoles and PC by Cyanide Studio in Paris, Call of Cthulhu will offer an RPG-Investigation title, packed with psychological horror and stealth mechanics. Cyanide Studios brings to life a disturbing world that players will have to explore and investigate while Cthulhu, the Great Dreamer, prepares its awakening. Today’s E3 Trailer offers but a glimpse at all that awaits you.

In Call of Cthulhu, players will control Edward Pierce, a former veteran and private investigator in 1920s Boston. Pierce will be investigating the tragic and mysterious death of Sarah Hawkins and her family in Darkwater Island. The game’s E3 Trailer showcases this disturbing Island and the eerie Hawkins Family Mansion, and gives a glimpse at how the intensity of the investigation will slowly start chipping away at your Sanity.

Insanity and the Cthulhu Mythos have long been entwined – as your investigation brings you closer to Cthulhu’s sphere of influence, madness will progressively engulf your senses, leaving you to increasingly question what is real and what is illusory. They say that madness is the only way that can bring you to the truth and you will have to balance your sanity against your determination to discover it!

The Cthulhu Mythos has grown to become one of the largest shared universes ever envisioned, giving birth to countless stories, novels, and even movies ever since the original publication of Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu.

Call of Cthulhu will release in 2017 on consoles and PC


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Lol minek E3? Lassan minden trailert fellőnek.

PS4 NEO nem fog az E3 alatt bemutatkozni, de jön:

Sony PS4 upgrade to include UltraHD and richer graphics

Sony is developing an upgraded version of its PlayStation 4 gaming console that will offer ultra-high definition 4K resolution and richer graphics, according to the unit’s chief executive, as the company strives to maintain its lead over rivals Microsoft and Nintendo.

The plan marks the first time that Sony has improved the processing power of a PlayStation midway through the usual console cycle, as it looks to keep up with the more rapid pace of product launches in the smartphone and PC sectors.

Andrew House, president and global chief executive of Sony Interactive Entertainment, told the Financial Times that the “high-end PS4” would be more expensive than the current $350 version.
“It is intended to sit alongside and complement the standard PS4,” he said. “We will be selling both [versions] through the life cycle.”

The new console, which is codenamed “Neo”, will target hardcore gamers, he said, as well as consumers with a 4K television set looking for more high-resolution content.

Anticipation intensified ahead of next week’s E3 gaming conference in Los Angeles, where Microsoft is also believed to be planning to launch an updated Xbox One console.

However, in a move that may disappoint some fans, Mr House said that Sony would not be unveiling its new console next week and refused to say when or at what price the unit would go on sale. “We want to ensure we have a full range of the best experiences on the new system that we can showcase in their entirety,” he said.

Nonetheless, he downplayed concerns that the move would cause interoperability problems between the old and new PS4 hardware.

“All games will support the standard PS4 and we anticipate all or a very large majority of games will also support the high-end PS4,” he said.

Both PS4 variants will also support its forthcoming virtual reality headset, which will go on sale later this year.

Developers should also see a “seamless” experience between the two versions, he said, requiring a “small but manageable” amount of extra work when creating a game for both.

Mr House did not go as far as Xbox chief Phil Spencer in saying that consoles would become more like PCs, seeing regular improvements to their components rather than jumping between generations as they have for the last 30 years, he saw an opportunity to deliver “some additional benefits” to both consumers and developers within what is usually a five to six year lifespan.

“The consumer is attuned to a different cadence of innovation in technology thanks in great part for the upgrades cadence on mobile phones or PCs,” Mr House said.

As with the current PS4 and its forthcoming VR headset, the new console will be “standalone profitable at the time that we launch it”, Mr House said. In past generations, Sony subsidised the cost of the console in the hopes of turning a profit through software sales. The investment required to develop the new PS4 is already accounted for in Sony’s latest financial results, he added.

Forrás: Finalncial Times

A narrátor hangja lehetne jobb is. Release date meg sehol a videó végén?

Non serviam

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Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám

Vampyr E3 trailer

Váratlanul akciódús.

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igazából semmi érdekes, 3:29-nél van pár másodperc Psychonauts 2 kezdetinél is kezdetibb állapot, és tényleg csak másodpercek.

high-tech pokróc? :D

admin mantra: "mindent le lehet kakilni oszt megy az oldal mégis magától."
életfilozófia mantra: "ideológiailag veszélyesen eltévedt kanadai szektás."

scarf... ahhoz nem fizetsz eleget, hogy egy teljes pokrócot kapj :D

Én a paracord karkötőn röhögtem egy jót: hú, de "drága" mulatság. :D

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