Gamedec is an adaptive cyberpunk RPG. As a private detective, it’s your job to solve crimes inside virtual worlds. What decisions will you make in a world where child slavery is a F2P game, where murder over a game-clan dispute is an every-day reality? Who will you become in the XXII century?
Dark Envoy is a non-linear RPG with free world exploration and strong emphasis on tactical combat and strategic layer. It can be described as a mix of Divinity series, XCOM, FTL, Mass Effect and Dragon Age, yet becoming something entirely different as a result.
Disco Elysium will launch on October 15th and we can’t wait for you to check the game out.
Disco Elysium is a 60+ hour open world RPG. It’s over one million words long (a little less than Baldur’s Gate 2 and a lot more than Planescape: Torment, but who’s counting.) And you’ve never played anything like it.
- Over 60 hours of game time in a unique urban fantasy setting.
- An open world you can approach in any order – the bad part of the bad part of town with unforgettable characters.
- One massive open-ended case and tons of side investigations.
- Countless tools for role-playing: 24 mad skills to upgrade, over 80 different clothing items to wear, 12 tools to use, 6 psychoactive substances to discover, more than 50 unique “thoughts” to analyze and so on.
- A hauntingly beautiful original soundtrack by British Sea Power.
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A No Truce with the Furies akkor is egy sokkal jobb cím lett volna neki.
Ziets ötletelgetett már erről.
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Paranoia: Happiness Is Mandatory Is a Classic RPG Set in an Orwellian Nightmare - E3 2019
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Meg keves a kritika, de baromira dicserik. Steam reviewk is nagyon jok.
no truce with the furies!
admin mantra: "mindent le lehet kakilni oszt megy az oldal mégis magától."
életfilozófia mantra: "ideológiailag veszélyesen eltévedt kanadai szektás."
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Steam: mrstrato
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