"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
a csöcskupakos csaj (is) elég jó matéria
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
Helen Stifler as Jinx (League of Legends)
Vivid Vivkáról, a lila hajú csajról elég sok NSFW kép kering a neten.
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
Ehhez jön még egy videócska...
Köszönjük, ettől sajnos csak rosszabb lett.
Monas apó legyintett. Két kézzel is.
admin mantra: "mindent le lehet kakilni oszt megy az oldal mégis magától."
életfilozófia mantra: "ideológiailag veszélyesen eltévedt kanadai szektás."
+ http://cosplay.kotaku.com/somebody-stop-this-mask-cosplay-1783431588
Najó inkább linkként :D
Ez a kiscsávó már most kiérdemelte a világhírnevet, remélem meggazdagszik belőle: ha vki megérdemli, akkor ő az :D
“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.” - G.B. Shaw
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
zseni. :D
Mi voltunk azok, a Vándorok.// Kik sohasem nyugszanak. / Kik sohasem haltak meg. / Kik sohasem éltek.
Nem egészen cosplay, de hátha van Alien rajongó, akinek bejön:
Ez pedig egy egészen nagy understatement. :-)
Non serviam
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
Nem látok semmi képet hogy ez mi ez, ezek szerint arra gondolt a csávó hogy látatlanba vennék meg emberek?
Vannak képek, valszeg nálad bugzik a böngésző/mobil.
“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.” - G.B. Shaw
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
The most impressive cosplay I've seen in a long time. https://imgur.com/gallery/qww2C
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
Asszem egyet kell értenem a kommentekkel:
sweet baby jesus dat ass.
admin mantra: "mindent le lehet kakilni oszt megy az oldal mégis magától."
életfilozófia mantra: "ideológiailag veszélyesen eltévedt kanadai szektás."
Az élet különös
Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan
Non serviam
Na ez már szekszuális zaklatás.
azt hiszem lattam parszor Greg Benson csatornajan, o Riki LeCotey, nem mellesleg kanadai termes. Itt az instagramja is, csomo masik keppel:
admin mantra: "mindent le lehet kakilni oszt megy az oldal mégis magától."
életfilozófia mantra: "ideológiailag veszélyesen eltévedt kanadai szektás."
You misspelled, 'tits'
"Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?" - Shodan