Greetings, Wrath & Glory fans! I’m very pleased to talk about one of the main features of
our game: the dice system. When I first began work on the design for Wrath & Glory, I knew that I wanted something that would work well for an Imperial Guardsman facing down a Genstealer Cultist, and at the same time provide a framework for the Rogue Trader performing a delicate negotiation with an Eldar Farseer. I wanted a system that would be easy to learn and provide a good amount of depth without plunging into a well of complexity.
You may have seen some of the videos or heard some of the interviews where I’ve spoken about Wrath & Glory as a “d6 dice pool system.” And that is exactly what it is, inspired by some great examples of other systems from the past that I’ve enjoyed, by other elements of modern game design, and by my own tweaks and innovations.
The basics: to accomplish most tasks in Wrath & Glory, you assemble a dice pool of d6s (commonly adding an attribute and the appropriate skill) and make a roll. Any dice with a result of 1-3 are considered “failures,” any dice with a result of 4-5 count as one success (an “icon”) and dice with a result of 6 count as two successes (an “exalted icon”). You count up the icons you achieved on the roll and compare it to the test’s DN, or Difficulty Number, to determine if you passed or failed the test.
In this image, you can see that I rolled four failures, three icons, and one exalted icon. That’s a total of 5 icons (2 for the exalted icon from the dice result of 6, plus one each for the dice that made a result of 4 or 5). A standard test in Wrath & Glory has a DN of 3, so this roll would be a success for most rolls.
Remember that a result of a 6 is special – this is called an exalted icon, and counts for two regular icons. In Wrath & Glory, you can also “shift” your exalted icons (the dice that roll a 6) from the initial test to enhance the effect. You can gain more information, improve the quality of your success, or even speed up the time required to achieve the goal for which you rolled the test in the first place. Shifting dice from an attack roll grants you more dice for damage.
The Wrath Dice
For all of these images, you’ll note that one of the dice is a different colour. In Wrath & Glory, all tests include one dice that is somewhat special: this is called the Wrath dice. The Wrath dice is rolled just like a regular d6 in your dice pool, but the Wrath dice has special effects that occur if it rolls a result of a 1 or a 6. For these rolls, I used a red-coloured d6 to represent the Wrath Dice.
In this image, the Wrath dice has rolled a 1. This is known as a “complication,” and it means that something has happened during the test (regardless of whether the test succeeds or fails!) that creates a negative situation in the player character’s current scene. If this was a Persuasion test to impress an Imperial Governor, for example, the complication might mean that while your character made a good impression overall, the Governor’s most trusted aide harbours a grudge against outsiders. Complications are not meant to be punitive, but rather to create an interesting plot point.
In this next image, the Wrath dice has rolled a 6. Like other results of 6, this counts as an exalted icon and provides two icons towards the success of the test. Also like other results of 6, this exalted icon may be shifted to enhance the effects of the test. However, a Wrath dice result of 6 (again, independent of the test’s success or failure) is also a moment where the player characters shine, either in victory or defeat, and the group gains a point of a resource called Glory – which is something we will discuss at another time.
Now you’ve gotten a glimpse at the basics of the Wrath & Glory dice system. Keep an eye on the Ulisses North America website for more details about the game, and sign up for our newsletter to get this information early.
Bazz vagy 10 percig azt hittem, hogy a filmjeleneteket a youtube-os arc csinálta a haverjaival és az egész valami duplafenekű poén. Hamu a fejemre, még szerencse, hogy pl kreacionista őslénytani múzeum nem létezik...
Today’s designer diary is all about power. Warhammer 40,000 possesses a depth of scope and scale that, in and of itself, is one of the defining characteristics of its setting. The grim darkness of the far future is home to creatures ranging from Gretchin to towering Hive Tyrants, from a Tech-Priest up to a Squiggoth and even that is just the tip of the iceberg. What I’m trying to get across here is that there are a lot of power levels to keep in mind when you’re designing an RPG for Warhammer 40,000.
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory keeps its focus on individual heroes—the player characters. While this helps narrow the scope a bit, there is still a staggering amount of variety and options to choose from. Some very popular character types include the superhuman Space Marines and the all-too-human soldiers of the Imperial Guard. One of the most common questions I have been asked about the design of Wrath & Glory is, “How do you balance things so I can have different types of characters in the same group?”
The answer is simple; we have designated certain “Tiers” of play, ranging from 1-5 (with options to expand that range). Each tier represents a particular power level, and considers various factors: what kinds of character archetypes are appropriate, what kinds of challenges those characters will face, and what kinds of limits are imposed on dice pools. In Wrath & Glory, the players and the Game Master decide what kind of Tier they wish to play for their campaign.
Tier 1, for example, represents a power level appropriate for characters who are not epic heroes—these are the Imperial Guardsmen, the Inquisitional Acolytes, the Hive gangers, the Eldar Corsairs or the Ork boyz. Tier 1 characters are expected to deal with appropriate challenges. This means that the dice pools and the kinds of enemies they are likely to face are also calibrated according to the Tier. A Tier 1 enemy might be a group of cultists led by a crazed mutant, or a single genestealer might be the “main villain” at the climax of a session.
Once more, to clarify: Tiers indicate a particular power level in terms of the game experience. Tiers limit archetypes, dice pool limits, and enemies to what is appropriate for that power level.
A Tier 3 game, by contrast, is calibrated for a much more powerful and capable group of heroes. Power Levels are not necessarily graded on simple combat ability, either. Psychic powers, authority, access to particular wargear, and other factors are involved in what determines an archetype’s starting Tier. A Tactical Space Marine is a Tier 3 archetype, as is an Eldar Warlock, as is an Imperial Commissar. At Tier 3, a genestealer might be just one of several nameless enemies they encounter during a mission, whilst something like a genestealer cult patriarch would be likely a named, climactic adversary.
Higher tiers also involve larger dice pools, increasing both the reality and the instinctual ‘feel’ of a greater level of power and impact on the game. The experience of a Tier 3 game is substantially different than that of a Tier 1 game, and that is reflected in the game rules.
While all of this information on tiers is important, it is just one piece of the puzzle. There is another, partnered mechanic that I will get into next time that delves into how a lower-Tier character archetype can take part in a higher-Tier game and engage with the rules on the same playing field as a Space Marine or an Eldar Warlock. Put simply, part of our design allows for this, and taking a Tier 1 Inquisitional Acolyte and ascending them to a Tier 3 game is very possible—and means that the character has a reason to be there.
Vampire: The Masquerade, the classic that changed role-playing games forever, returns in a
fifth edition! V5 features a streamlined and modern rules design, beautiful new full-color art, and a rich story experience for new and returning players. Powered by the innovative Hunger cycle, the game also includes rules for creating system supported character coteries, Loresheets to directly involve players with their favorite parts of the setting, and Memoriam, a new way to bring the character's detailed backgrounds and expand on them in-session.
V5 is a return to Vampire's original vision, moving boldly into the 21sth century. While the rules have been redesigned, this new edition honors the deep story of the original, advancing the metaplot from where it left off and detailing exactly what has happened in the world of the Kindred up until tonight. The terror of the Second Inquisition, the conspiracies behind the Gehenna War, and the rekindling of the War of Ages: these are the building blocks of the modern V5 chronicle.
The ultimate roleplaying game of personal and political horror, Vampire: The Masquerade will see its fifth edition this year with the pre-order period starting midday GMT on Saturday the 28th of April. The V5 preorder will start shipping from August with the first release, the core book, available in stores from September. Two more V5 books will be released later in the Fall, the Camarilla and the Anarch setting books. V5 will also be available in other languages by the end of the year. Please visit the pre-order page for more details:
Ha egyáltalán felcsigáz ez még itt valakit. Kenneth Hite közreműködése mondjuk nem rossz jel.
Crpg-ben jöhetne :D vampire the masquerade Redemption szerű inkább.
Haverék tolták sokat, meg a vérfarkasos cuccost, naponta hallgattam a sztorikat, a végén szinte szakértője voltam a világoknak :D Valami olyasmire emlékszem, hogy a vérfarkas ruhája átkerült egy másik dimenzióba átváltozáskor, meg a farkasból->ember karaktert volt nehéz játszani, és sokan nem tudták hitelesen visszaadni az állat alapú karaktert. :D
Ahogyan várható is volt, jön az FFG féle Legend of the Five Rings RPG.
"Mind így van ezzel, ki hasonló időket megél, de a döntés nem rajta áll. A mi dolgunk eldönteni, hogy mit kezdjünk az idővel, ami megadatik nekünk."
Tölthető a béta, ha valakit érdekel.
"Mind így van ezzel, ki hasonló időket megél, de a döntés nem rajta áll. A mi dolgunk eldönteni, hogy mit kezdjünk az idővel, ami megadatik nekünk."
Ide is: Ingyen van a Zwehänder RPG holnapig:
Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám
Warhammeritáknak melegen ajánlott.
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"Stranger Things" RPG - Kids on Bikes
"Mind így van ezzel, ki hasonló időket megél, de a döntés nem rajta áll. A mi dolgunk eldönteni, hogy mit kezdjünk az idővel, ami megadatik nekünk."
Tales from the Loop után bátor vállalkozás :-D
A WanG rendszeréről:
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Steam: mrstrato
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WanG rendszere - ez valahol a Degenesis és a One Ring rendszerének a keveréke. Ami jó, mert mindkettőt szeretem :-) Egyre jobban várom.
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Bazz vagy 10 percig azt hittem, hogy a filmjeleneteket a youtube-os arc csinálta a haverjaival és az egész valami duplafenekű poén. Hamu a fejemre, még szerencse, hogy pl kreacionista őslénytani múzeum nem létezik...
Ez egy tongue-in-cheek direkt nemparodisztikus szószerinti adaptáció :D
Vill du bli ihop med mig?
Jön a The Enemy Within is:
Steam: mrstrato
Cserekulcs listám
Legjobb! Főleg a Bögenhafeni rész, az volt a csapat kedvence is meg az enyém is :-)
Wrath & Glory Designer Diary: Tiers
Eddig klafa.
Tier 0 gretchin & snotling game when?
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ööööö, hö?
Wesley Snipes and Lord of the Rings’ Sean Astin are working on a Starfinder RPG setting
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John Carter a Modiphiustól.
"Mind így van ezzel, ki hasonló időket megél, de a döntés nem rajta áll. A mi dolgunk eldönteni, hogy mit kezdjünk az idővel, ami megadatik nekünk."
Pathfinder 2e playtest indul augusztus 2-án:
Steam: mrstrato
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Az új VtM a GenConra jön:
Ha egyáltalán felcsigáz ez még itt valakit. Kenneth Hite közreműködése mondjuk nem rossz jel.
ibi amentia latet
Crpg-ben jöhetne :D vampire the masquerade Redemption szerű inkább.
Haverék tolták sokat, meg a vérfarkasos cuccost, naponta hallgattam a sztorikat, a végén szinte szakértője voltam a világoknak :D Valami olyasmire emlékszem, hogy a vérfarkas ruhája átkerült egy másik dimenzióba átváltozáskor, meg a farkasból->ember karaktert volt nehéz játszani, és sokan nem tudták hitelesen visszaadni az állat alapú karaktert. :D
Egy Werewolf: The Apocalypse videojáték már készül is:
Aztán jönnek majd 'pírok is, nyugi.
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Bazz :O Na, kösz! Dobom is tovább.
"Mind így van ezzel, ki hasonló időket megél, de a döntés nem rajta áll. A mi dolgunk eldönteni, hogy mit kezdjünk az idővel, ami megadatik nekünk."
ibi amentia latet
Érdekes a képi világ.
Steam: mrstrato
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Ez itten meg egy Malkavian. Elég jó fotó.